Theme Of Love And Hate example essay topic

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A Tale of Two Cities: Assorted Themes The Tale of Two Cities has many assorted themes. The themes are interconnected with each other. Theme plays a big part in the plot a book. The opinions formed by the audience, of the characters, are also affected by the themes in a book. Three themes in this book are sacrifice, love and hate, and death; these themes show up many times in this book. The themes in this book are shown through the characters and their actions.

Sacrifice shows up in the book many times. Sacrifice is giving up something that is apart of your life that you do not really want to give up. The greatest sacrifice in the book is Carton's death. He sacrifices his life for his love for Lucie Man ette. Sydney Carton met his death with great dignity. In fulfilling his old promise to Lucie, Carton attains peace; those watching see " The peace fullest man's face ever beheld' (366) at the guillotine.

CharlesDarnay gives up his estate in France, for the idea of working in England. His decision to become a teacher put him in a conflict with his uncle, the Marquis St. Evremonde. Miss Pross lost her hearing when she tried to stop Madame Defarge from killing Lucie and her family. Miss Pross was the loyal servant for Lucie. She showed her loving devotion to Lucie by fighting off Madame Defarge. Many characters are skilled with the force of love in this book.

MissPross, fought off Madame Defarge for the reason that she loved Lucie, and did not want anything to happen to her. The true love was the feelings of Sydney for Lucie. This love was so great he sacrificed his own life for her. He showed more love for her than for himself. Hate is also plays a big part in the book. Madame Defarge had so much hate she went to the extent of trying to kill Lucie.

This backfired and instead of Lucie dying she died in a struggle versus MissPross. Even Madame Defarge's husband Earnest Defarge shows hate when he accidentally runs over a peasant's son and kills him. Mr. Defarge showed no remorse for what he had done, and instead was very hateful toward the father of the child. The boy's father shows his hate toward Mr. Defarge by getting revenge for his son's death. The boy's father was powered by hate when he took Mr. Defarge's life into his own hands and killed Mr. Defarge. Death plays a tremendous part of this book.

Death in this book shows up in many different ways by accidents, murders, and even the death penalty. Thedeath of the peasant boy was a total accident. The boy was hit by Mr. Defarge's horse carriage when the boy was trying to cross the road. This incident caused the murder of Mr. Defarge. Mr. Defarge was killed by the peasant boy's father later on. The boy's father killed Mr. Defarge because he did not try to help the boy out at all.

He just went on as nothing had happened. The death of Madame Defarge was an accident for the reason the she has shot will she was in a struggle with Miss Pross. Madame Defarge was trying to kill Lucie and her family when she was found out, and then she shot her self by accident. Thedeath of Sydney Carton was caused by his love for Lucie. Charles Dar nay was tried for treason and was sentenced to die by the guillotine. Charles was married to Lucie.

Sydney pronouncing his love for Lucie died in the place of Charles. Sydney did this so Lucie would be happy with Charles for the rest of her life. All these themes are interconnected in one way or another. They all end up to be talking about the same people and the actions they took to make something happen the way they want it too. The themes above are a couple of the major themes in this book by Charles Dickens. The theme of sacrifice in this book shows the audience it is sometimes all right to give up something means something to them.

The theme of love and hate gives the audience a real look at life and how love and hate effects the life of a person. The theme of death isa theme of many books, because it happens to everybody no matter how hard they try to stop it from happening.