Therapeutic Abortion example essay topic

470 words
Abortion: Buddhism: It is a moral evil. Buddhists believe it is murder. It is undeniably the taking of life. Hinduism: It is legal in India.

It is up to the individual to decide whether or not abortion id the right thing to do. All life contains an atman (sanctity of life). To take a life would incur bad karma. Decide at what point the foetus has an atman. The ultimate decision is made by the individual. Islam: Islamic people believe that life is a sacred gift from god.

No one is allowed to take or stop the life of anyone. the Holy Quran says: "Say: Come, I will rehearse what God has really prohibited you from: Join nothing as equal with Him; be good to your parents, kill not your children on a plea of poverty; We provide sustenance for you and for them; approach not shameful deeds, whether open or secret; take not life, which God has made sacred, except by a way of justice and law (chapter 6 verse 151) Kill not your children for fear of want; it is We who provide sustenance for them as well as for you; for verily killing them is a great sin (chapter 17 verse 31) Islam does not at agree at all with those who say that a women has full control over her body. Judaism: Abortion is a very complex issue and is also multi-faceted in Jewish society. Concern for the sanctity of life 4 main aspects in Jewish tradition concerning abortion, legal status of the embryo / foetus, time of ensoul ment, conditions under which a therapeutic abortion may take place, conditions under which a non-therapeutic abortion may take place. Christianity: Psalm 139: 13, verses 15-16, "You created every part of me; You put me together in my mother's womb...

When my bones were being formed, Carefully put me together in my mother's womb. When I was growing there in secret, You knew that I was there - You saw me before I was born. The days allotted to me Had all been recorded in your book, Before any of them ever began". Viewed by some Christians as murder God decides the fate of the child before it is born Some Christian denominations have split views on abortion and their opinion varies. The underlying fact is that abortion is murder and it is solely the decision of the person and that religious beliefs and customs and culture play a major part in the decision process of abortion, but you also have to take into consideration whether or not the foetus is a human being and whether it has any say on this issue because it is the main person affected.


Buddhism: web Hinduism: web Islam: web, the Quran Judaism: web Christianity: web The Christian Bible.