Third Type Of Cloud example essay topic

329 words
DIFFERENT TYPES OF CLOUDS Clouds are usually the most obviously feature of the sky. Fog is considered a type of cloud. They both reflect weather patterns, they also play a role in what the weather does. In addition to their obvious role as sources of precipitation. Clouds can also affect the temperatures below them. The clouds also can block the sunlight, that's not the only thing they cloud block they also could block the outgoing radiation from the earth, which can warm the temperatures.

There are many unanswered questions about the earth's climate revolve around the roles or clouds. Clouds also create some patterns of light in the sky such as halos. They are three main clouds the first one is called a cumulus cloud. A cumulus cloud is a big puffy cloud that is very easy to see they are the common clods you will see. Cumulous clouds are usually associated with a sunny weather. They also live in the middle of the atmosphere.

These clouds do not bring rain. The second type of cloud is Stratus cloud, these clouds form in think layers of sheets. Stratus clouds usually associate with the overcast of the weather. These clouds live low of the atmosphere. Fog is a result of very low Stratus clouds.

These clouds bring rain. The third type of cloud is a cirrus cloud they are wispy clouds. They are usually made from ice crystals these clouds are the highest in the atmosphere, where it is very clod. "Nimbus" means rain and "Alto" means midway. These words are combined with the three major cloud types to make additional cloud types. The first one is Nimbostratus - clouds that bring rain.

The second is Cumulonimbus - these ones also bring rain. The third one is Altostratus - Stratus cloud that does not bring rain.