Time Sarty example essay topic

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Cultural Criticism of "Barn Burning" In William Faulkner's "Barn Burning", a young boy must face his father and face the reality of a racist society. He must also discover for himself that his father is wrong and learn to grow up the right way in a racial environment. Faulkner's setting is one of the most important literary elements in the story. He takes a young black boy and puts him in a real world of chaos and disorder.

In the South, race is one of the most important factors in how one would live his or her life. The only way he can retain his own dignity in the end is to believe in his own courage and goodwill. The young boy, Sartoris, has a kind of loyalty for his father, Abner Snopes. He admires him and everything he does. He believes that his father is always right.

In the beginning of the story, Sartoris (Sarty) is faced with his first major conflict. He is in the court room as a witness to a barn burning. The judge can only pardon Abner because Sarty is too young and can not be used as the key witness, but the judge tells them they must leave the country for their own safety and the safety of others. All the while Sarty thinks to himself how he must not talk to the white men. "Our enemy... burn! mine and his both! He's my father!" (397).

He sees the white men in the courthouse as the enemy, even the judge. In Sarty's mind, the judge is the enemy because he is white. He only believes so because that is how he was raised to believe. After they leave the country, Abner gets into trouble again.

This time Sarty stays loyal to himself instead of his father. He warns a man named Major de Spain about his barn burning. Sarty has now changed because he thought on his own. When he realizes that some of the things his father does is wrong, he decide to run off and be on his own because he does not want to live that way anymore. Sarty has moved out of childhood, developing a mind and will of his own. He is no longer un perceptively loyal to his father.

Sarty becomes his own self-reliant person, instead of being the shadow of his father. When he warns de Spain of his barn burning, Sarty becomes disloyal to his father and his own heritage. At this time, blacks had to band together to fight off the white men and oppression, but Sarty does not do this. After they flee the country, Abner is still abusive to his family.

Abner Snopes is full of hatred and he is always ready to defend himself even when no one has an argument against him. This gives Sarty all the more reason to find himself. Sarty must choose to either follow the law or to choose the same path his father did, a life that satisfied himself and no one else. The first time Sarty had to choose between the law and his father he chose his father. He did not know much, only that the white men were enemies and that he had to stick to his own blood.

He was used to his natural instincts and the teaching of his own heritage. That was not the case the second time around. As he got older, he got smarter. He realized that the confrontations that his father put him in were not right. When Abner goes to burn the barn in the new country, this is the first time Sarty makes his own choice. Sarty overcomes the fear of his abusive father and does the right thing.

He tells de Spain of his father's intentions and then runs away. When Sarty makes his lonesome decision to do the right thing, he goes against everything that he has ever been taught. He defies his own blood and generations of his family's conventional beliefs. It appears that Faulkner wants his audience to know of the social problems and racial discriminations of the South. Whether it was whites discriminating against blacks or vice-versa, he wants his audience to take notice and hopefully do something about it.

During the time when slavery was accepted, blacks were called negroes and "niggers". Faulkner uses those words repeatedly throughout this story to show the ignorance of the time. All throughout the story, there was no peace for the Snopes family. Social chaos was everywhere at this point in time. There were many cases of blacks being persecuted because of their skin color. Therefore, Abner Snopes was the type of person with a chip on his shoulder.

Abner Snopes brought trouble where ever he went. When he ruined de Spain's expensive carpet, he couldn't care less about it. So, when he was ordered to pay for it, he decided to burn down de Spain's barn instead. Abner Snopes is the antagonist in Sarty's moral conflict. Abner can not control his emotional responses to the actions of his enemy, the white men. He believes the best response to his enemy is to destroy their private property.

Thus, he becomes the enemy of "normalcy". In addition, when Abner had to face the courthouse, he knew nothing more than what he was raised to do, and that was to either fight back or have a cold shoulder. When Sarty kindly asks his father if he can help clean the rug, Abner completely ignores him. Normally a father would let his son help him do such a simple task, but Abner just continues to work in silence. Abner does not reply because he is set on revenge for having to do this humiliating task. Abner becomes an enemy to society when he gets like this.

With this in mind, Faulkner's use of this setting deepens the plot. He allows his audience to see the oppression that the poor black man faces at this period in time. Growing up in the South, Faulkner gives a good perspective on what it was like for the black man in the South in the early 1900's. This story deals partly with racial discrimination and oppression of a certain social class. It also deals with how a young man (Sarty) can deal with the situation he is borne into. He can either rise to the occasion and beat the odds and become a better man, or he can follow in the footsteps of his father and his father before him.

He came to a certain point in his life where one decision could determine what kind of person he would be. He made the right choice. He followed the law instead of being a bitter man toward the white race like his father turned out to be. This story can be deceptive in its simplicity.

It is simply a matter of a young man choosing between right and wrong.