Today's News And Television Programs example essay topic
This obviously can t be an accurate picture, but what might this person have learned from the programs he or she had watched. Would all the sex, violence, and diminished morals he or she had watched teach antisocial behavior Or might he or she have learned from prime time dramas and sitcoms the behavior and attitudes of America today This is the question we must ask all of ourselves. I started this paper off thinking that television was a positive source. Although through researching this topic I have now found that there are more negative points then positive points. I have concluded that because of all of the negative role models that t. vs. allows us to view, the violence that is introduced to todays youth, the television programs and the news we watch daily that bring us false information about today's society, and the way t. vs. influences the way that a perso should look, act, or even emotionally feel about situations. In today's television shows, producers are putting in characters to portray positive role models for todays youth to look up to.
For example, Walker Texas Ranger is portrayed as wholesome family entertainment where the good guys always win. When in reality the hour long show is based upon fighting, shooting, and reckless endangerment of peoples lives. The show does not bring out positive conflict resolutions to viewers watching. VIOLENCE- paragraph Next, we deal with the everyday issue of false information. In today's news and television programs (talk shows) to bring a topic to a more interesting level producers and show writers are adding false facts to the stories to make them look more interesting then the truth actually is.
We watch television and see gorgeous actors and actresses and think that's what it takes to be successful, and that's what a person should look like. Shows use pretty people to make their selves look more attractive to the viewer. In so many shows without knowing it they are showing us how we should emotionally feel about different situations. Especially when young viewers are watching a show and are watching these situations they are very easily influenced to do as they see.