Today's Technology The Media example essay topic

563 words
Unquestionably the media being newspapers, internet, radio and television, influence society. They can affect, have affected and will continue to affect the progression of life in this nation and around the world, as electronic technology continues to be the chosen mode of communication for a whole generation, offering direct, often anonymous influential information. The media presents 'one minded' views that have the ability to reflect societies moods and influence the balance of power. - Death of Princess Diana on August 97 in a Paris Car accident is an example. - Australia t. vs. showed pictures of the car accident - which told the whole story- Public was influenced by this and felt sorry - The public layed 60 million floral tributes and gifts in her memory - mourners sharing grief - emotionally moving pictures during and after- funeral watched by millions- event which has become one of the most known in this century in history- Media influenced the public to love Princess Diana when the a survey showed by the Australia Bure of Stat showed the 50% of the Australian Population couldn't care much for the Princess before the accident, but after was mortified. - Proved my point The media can cause major shifting in public opinion in the role of authority.

- Harry Knowles a journalist stated 'it doesn't matter how much money, power or influence you have in today's world world, it can be undermined by the media through technology'- No longer do Hollywood celebrities or industrial giants take control over there future- Take for example US president George Bush - fell down stairs and was filmed on camera- Questions about health arose - and became an instant political issue with the media exploiting him- The image showed dazed Bush - this image did little for his campaign in the election- This collapse would have been brushed away by word of mouth but the probing camera transformed to the net, paper and so forth, shifted the view of the public with Bush for the election. - Prove argument - restate back to topic sentence. The media has progressed to a new public agenda with the advances of technology. - No media technology has ever transformed Australia's life as radically and as rapidly as today's technology- The media is driving the public agenda armed with satellites - 24 hour feeds- the potential power of this new technology, backed by the media has been named the 'global village', meaning the world as one- with the boundaries of communication being abolished- example is cnn who broadcasts live coverage in English to 130 million households in 210 countries and territories - People want to see news - fantasy and reality, not just be reading about it but by showing and hearing it, thus the media will keep producing In our age of 'communication on demand' the speed of change can be intimidating, and the media takes full control of our emotions, shifting our brains into 'one minded' views with the ability to cause major shifting in public opinion.

As technology increases, so does our want and the need for more news, and as our want grows so does the media, and as the media grows, the stories and coverage increases, and our era becomes more influenced by the text or visual information that we grasp..