Train With Jack Back To Yellow Sky example essay topic

321 words
Bride Comes To Yellow Sky Bride Comes to Yellow Sky is about a marshal of Yellow Sky, Jack Potter, coming back to town after meeting a woman who he ends up marrying. Back in Yellow Sky waiting for Jack's arrival by train is Scratchy Wilson. Getting drunk in a saloon, he wants to kill Jack because Jack had, in the past, shot him in the leg and because he is the town marshal. Everyone wanted potter dead it seemed. Finally, as Potter and his wife walked into town, they met up with Scratchy who pulled a gun on Potter.

But because Potter was married, Scratchy could not kill him believing that a married man was kind of "against" the rules as far as cowboys and desperados are concerned, and thus let Jack go alive. Jack Potter- A law man and the Marshal of Yellow Sky, Texas, he shot Scratchy Wilson in the leg, and is now married. Scratchy Wilson- An evil criminal in Yellow Sky, Texas. He wants revenge for Jack Potter shooting him in the leg. Jack's Wife- Married in San Antonio and rode on the train with Jack back to Yellow Sky.

This story took place in Yellow Sky, Texas in the 1880's. The story would be completely different somewhere else. If the story took place in Seattle in the late 1880's, nobody would be walking around town with six shooters, and there would be more than one law enforcement officer. Jack kept focusing on the amount of time to Yellow Sky.

Jack seemed in a hurry to get things done. Also it seemed that everyone on the train was staring at them. Scratchy Wilson is the typical cowboy "bad guy". Arguing and hating the marshal (Jack Potter) an alcoholic, or so it seemed, he is against everything Jack Potter stands for.