Tremendous Leader And The Other Animals example essay topic

451 words
In the book Animal Farm there are many characters that are strong leaders, and good workers, however Snowball, a strong willed pig, stood out as an animal that wants specific things. Snowball is a character that anyone looking to be very successful in life should admire and use some of his skills to be successful. He was a very strong leader, he wanted things made better, and he was very brave and took chances. These characteristics are the three that I admire the most and would emulate if I were in his position. Snowball is a very intelligent pig and along with that he was a tremendous leader, and the other animals put their trust in his ability to lead them. Snowball and Napoleon, a fellow pig, together lead the revolution, and became "leaders" when it succeeded.

Snowball wanted everything to get better for the animals and him, so he used his leadership skill and intelligence to make up the seven commandments that the animals would follow. Snowball never could agree with Napoleon on anything, they were always arguing about something, this also shows that Snowball liked to leader, and wanted nothing to stop him. Snowball wanted things to be better for the animals, so he came up with an idea to create committees. The committees were organized by Snowball, and he helped run each of the committees.

He knew that this was the best way to keep the animals in order and to improve their lives. It was also Snowball who came up with the idea to build a windmill, to occupy the animals and keep them in support of his plans. Throughout the book Snowball showed the reader his bravery, while under fire. He not only planned an entire defense operation during the counter-revolution, but also fought in the front line, leading the attack proving his bravery. His bravery is also shown when he attacks Jones, the only human with a fire weapon on the farm.

Snowball is shot by Jones, but pulls enough strength from himself to continue fighting. The bravery that Snowball shows makes the other animals feel secure, and confident about themselves. Snowball was a very strong leader, and the main reason the animals acted and performed in the confident way they did was because of this. Snowball would never lead the animals to do something he wouldn't do himself. And this is what one needs to be a leader. These are some of the many reasons why I would emulate his actions of leadership, bravery, and helping others succeed, because these actions lead to success..