True For Lady Macbeth example essay topic

551 words
In every story, there is always a protagonist, one who we blame for whatever takes place. In the play Macbeth, there are many different views you can take as to who you should actually blame for the tragedy. In my opinion, despite popular belief, I think that the supernatural was responsible. When I say supernatural, to me that includes the three witches, Hecate, and the forces of fate that Macbeth believes are on his side. Let me explain.

The play begins with a brief description of what is going on in Scotland. From what we can tell in the dialogue, they describe Macbeth as being a noble and honorable man. He is receiving praise from the king, Duncan, and he is being honored with a new title. He is perceived to be a very reputable man and enters the play with a very highly regarded position. But when he meets the witches and they foretell his future, his esteemed character begins to de minish.

Without the encouragement of the witches and their push to believe in fate, he would have never considered it. Even if he wasn t sure of whether or not what they said was true, he still had an overwhelming belief in fate that encouraged him to carry out his evil deeds. True, some might say that the burden of fault lies on Lady Macbeth, and they are partly correct. But if you really think about it, without the encouragement of the witches, she too would not have been inspired to bolster Macbeth into committing these horrendous crimes. Another event that backs my argument, is the fact that he might have been encouraged by his wife, but in the end he still relied on the witches for their guidance. This led to his unfortunate demise.

He became to confident in fate, and relied on the witches so much that he was blinded by power. It was this ignorance that led hi to believe that he was undef eatable, and his arrogance that led him into the trap set by Macduff and the English army. Macbeth was overwhelmed with so much power that he accredited to fate, when in fact, he controlled his own fate despite his belief. I presume that without that extra shove from the supernatural, Macbeth wouldn t have been inspired to commit any crime, as is true for Lady Macbeth.

She would have had no valor to help delineate the plans to overthrow the king and destroy the lives of those around them. In conclusion, I strongly believe that without the supernatural, the tragedy of Macbeth would never have occurred. This tragedy includes the deaths of Duncan, Banque, Macduff's family, and though there is some despite over this, Lady Macbeth and Macbeth. I believe that this intentional concept written by William Shakespeare was ingenious. I think that he intended there to be an altercation between readers over whose fault it was, and I m sure that each person has there own valid views, but in my conviction I think that with my strong backing, I m right, at least partially. But as has been said before, to each his own.