Tv Movie Moonlighting example essay topic

725 words
Bruce Willis has shocked many people with his separation from Demi Moore and also that he made six movies in 1998. Bruce Willis was born in West Germany and grew up to be an amazing actor. The college he went to was Montclair State College. He is an actor for movies and TV shows. He has won a few awards for his TV shows. Also, he started a few bands called The Temptations and Bruno and the Bad Boys.

In his family he has three daughters and was married to Demi Moore. His first major role in movies was in Die Hard. Bruce Willis was born on March 19, 1955 in West Germany. In school his was a class clown and he would get in a lot of trouble. (web) Then, he went to highschool in Penns Grove which he got kicked out for starting a racism group. (web) After that he didn t go to college right away instead he found a full-time job at the Du Point factory. He quit his job shortly after an accident that claimed a life. After a couple more jobs then he went on to college at Montclair State College. (web) As a child he never thought about being an actor.

His real name is Walter Bruce Willis. (web) In his early career as an actor he starred in a TV show called Moonlighting, and he starred in a TV movie Moonlighting. His first few movies he wasn t credited such as The Verdict and The First Deadly Sin. His first movie that he was credited in was Blind Date. (web) In his TV career he starred in three different shows. His first TV movie was called Moonlighting in 1985. Then he starred in a TV show was called Moonlighting in 1985. Finally, his last TV show was called Bruno the Kid in 1996. (web) He won two awards.

One was for Best Actor in Moonlighting, which was the Golden Globe Award in 1986/87. The other one was for Outstanding Lead in Moonlighting, which was an Emmy Award in 1987. (web) He has been in a couple band during his music career. His most famous ones are Bruno and the Bad Boys and The Temptations. Himself and the rest of his band would usually play at Planet Hollywood when a couple movie stars were there also.

One of the songs he sang with Bruno and the Bad Boys was Coming Right Up. One of the songs he sang with The Temptations was Under the Boardwalk. He was the head singer for both bands and both of them sang rock and roll. (web) In his family he was the oldest of four children. (web) Then, he got married to Demi Moore on Nov. 21, 1987 in a Golden Nugget hotel suite in Las Vegas. (Bruce and Demi got married in Las Vegas Time Dec. 7, 1987) Then, they had three children and they are Ruler, Scout, and Tallulah. On June 24, 1998 they announced they are separated. (web) Bruce Willis has made six movies in 1998 which are The Siege, Armageddon, Mercury Rising, Breakfast of Champions, Die Hard 4, and Martial Law.

His first major role in movies was Die Hard which helped him get into more movies. Armageddon made the top five in the Hollywood box office which he starred in. (web) Also, he has his own action figure, which is from the movie Armageddon and he wished it wasn t a lot of money other than the price he thinks it's cool. (web) He has made sequels to two different movies which are Die Hard and Look Who Is Talking. For Die Hard he has made three different sequels. For Look Who Is Talking he has made one sequel. (web) This is why Bruce Willis should be the Time's Man of the Year. He has helped the movie industry and is prosperous. Also, he has accomplished a lot in his life such as being in a TV career, being in a movie career, having a music career and specially being a father and husband.

He is a great father and was a good husband..