Two Million Dollar Bank Notes example essay topic

547 words
Dear Son I know you are probably wondering what this letters concerning but I anted you to know how I came to be the man you look upon as your father. You should know that in many cases money is brought upon a man through inheritance, luck, or hard work. In my case however money was brought onto me because of the hard-worker I once was. It was not to long ago that I was just an ordinary man living in San Francisco as a mining brokers clerk.

In the eyes of others I was a respectable young man, clean-cut, and very intelligent, all the qualities to go fortune. However in my eyes I looked past all those qualities and just say a lonesome m morning shift that Saturday, I decided to enjoy the rest of my day with a sail through the bay, like always however this time I had ventured to far and was carried out to sea by the current. I was stuck in the middle of nowhere with all hope lost until a ship picked me up from sea. The ship was bound for London and since I had no cash on me I had to work my passage there as a sailor. When I finally reached London I was a mess. My clothes where all torn and ragged, and I had only a dollar in my pocket.

I survived the first day with the single dollar but when day two had arrived I was need for food and shelter however that same day my luck was beginning to change. I was walking on the streets in search for any food I could retrieve when a man called out to me through a window. I stepped inside the house where the man had called me from and was escorted into an enormous room, which was occupied, by a group of elderly old men. Now before I continue I need to stop and explain to you some minor details that weren't given to me before.

The Bank of England once issued two million dollar bank-notes. The notes were to be used for some public transaction with a foreign country. At the time on had been used while the other note still remained in the vaults of the bank. Well earlier that day before I came into the picture two of the brothers from the elderly group were having a great augment on the second note.

They argued what the fate of an honest and intelligent stranger who appeared aimless with no money or friends but that million dollar bank-note. Brother A said he would starve to death for he wouldn't be able to offer it at the bank or anywhere else for he would be arrested for having possession of it. Brother B however disagreed and made a bet with his brother saying that the man will survive for thirty days without being imprisoned, on the that million dollar bank note, and so there bet began. So not knowing anything about the bet and the two brothers I sat in the room impatiently waiting for answers as to why they called me in.