Type Of Down Syndrome example essay topic

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Background on the type, severity and possible cause of the disability. Christopher Walsh is aged 30, he has Down syndrome. He has had Down syndrome since birth, he had heart problems, he was born with Heart defects, he had surgery when he was 2 and they were able to fix the heart problems. Down syndrome is sometimes caused by an error in cell division called disjunction; there are two other types of chromosomal abnormalities, mosaicism and translocation, which are also implicated in Down syndrome, sometimes to a lesser extent. Genes are grouped along rod like structures called chromosomes. Normally the nucleus of each cell contains 23 sets of chromosomes, half of which are inherited from each parent.

Down syndrome can be transmitted from the mother or the father. In Down syndrome, the cells usually have not 46 but 47 chromosomes, the extra chromosome being a number 21. The excess genetic material, in the form the additional genes along the 21st chromosome, results in Down syndrome. Down syndrome is usually caused by an error in cell division called non-disjunction. However two other types of chromosomal abnormalities, mosaicism and translocation are also implicated in Down syndrome - although to a much lesser extent. Regardless of the type of Down syndrome which a person may have, all people with Down syndrome have an extra, critical portion of the number 21 chromosome present in all, or some of the cells.

This additional genetic material alters the course of development and causes the characteristics associated with the syndrome. Non-disjunction is a faulty cell division which results in an embryo with three number 21 chromosomes instead of two. Prior to, or at conception, a pair of number 21 chromosomes, in either the sperm or the egg, fails to separate. When the embryo develops, the extra chromosome is replicated in all the cells of the body. This faulty cell division causes about 95% of all cases of Down syndrome. One in every 1,000 babies has Down syndrome.

After one child born with Down syndrome, the risk of having another child with the disorder is 1 in 100.80% of Down syndrome children are born to women under 35, because of the higher fertility rates, but women from the age of 35 and over have a higher risk. The life expectancy is 55, but 80% of people with Down syndrome live longer than the life expectancy. Doctor diagnosis of Down syndrome is mostly suspected after birth but there are tests available to pregnant women. Some infants with Down syndrome only show some of the traits but others show more.

These are some of them. Muscle hypotonic, low muscle tone, flat facial profile, a somewhat depressed nasal bridge and a small nose, oblique palpebral fissures, upward slant to the eyes, an abnormal shape of ear, a single deep crease across the centre of the palm, Hyper flexibility, an excessive ability to extend the joints, Dysplastic middle phalanx of the fifth finger, fifth finger has one flexion furrow instead of two, epicanthal folds, small skin folds of the inner corner of the eyes, excessive space between large and second toe, enlargement of tongue in relationship to size of mouth. Characteristics of the person in relation to the disability such as description of the person's interests and lifestyle. Chris lives in a group in Dap to, with 4 other clients that have Down syndrome.

He has lived there for 10 years, he settled in the group home well, he enjoys the company of the clients of the group home and gets on with them, he has no medical condition. He went through Special Education system at school. He has a learning disability, but his marks were satisfactory. Chris has always liked sports, he is a big sports fan, and he likes to go to the one day cricket to watch Australia play other countries, he follows the Ruby league, goes to the games. He likes watching soccer on the TV especially the FA cup, he likes to go to some of the Wollongong Wolves games, and he also goes to see the Illawarra Hawks matches.

Chris goes swimming once a week, Chris likes to do his cooking, and he is allowed to do his cooking on Tuesdays. Chris has been friendly with a girl for about 8 years, they like to go Restaurants, and his favourite Restaurant is the Masters Builders Club because you can eat as much as you want. Chris goes to the movies on Saturday night with his girlfriend. He likes all kinds of music, and he likes to go shopping on a regular basis, he likes to look at Clothes, music and food. He works at McDonald's 3 times a week, he cooks food, and he cleans the tables, he serves the customers. He attends the day program with House With No Steps at Balgownie on Monday.

He likes to walk along the beach, he goes often as possible, and in the summertime he goes for a swim, he often goes with a friend. He likes to collect stamps, with people on it, or sports people, animals, birds, cars, motorbikes, airplanes, stamps with the president, stamps with the Queen and the King on it. Chris likes paintings, he likes to go to the art gallery to see all the new paintings, he has paintings on his wall at home, and he also has books on paintings. He does painting when he is with the day program, and this is one of his main activities. Chris, in his spare time, likes to read sports magazines, car and motorbike magazines. Chris likes to sing, he has sung at the Wollongong Music Auditorium, he has won prizes; he has come first in his events.

He has attended TAFE, and has completed some courses in communications, some basics courses about the internet, and hospitality. He has taken responsibility for his own health, by choosing the right food, not to smoke or take alcohol. He shows a great interest in computers, he enjoys computer programs such as paint imaging, solitaire, computer games, he likes to browse on the internet, and he likes to find out what is happening in the locality and also what happening around the world. Chris helps on the Clean up Australia day; he participates in the day event, planting trees, cleaning the rubbish. Types of support services used and adjustment the person makes to maintain his independence. He went to Illawarra Work Wise, he did some courses with them for about ten weeks; for example they taught him the basics of cooking, cleaning and how to do his washing, what to do in an emergency situation, preparing him for work, and for interviews.

He studied these modules: Workers' Rights & Responsibilities, Occupational Health & Safety, Workplace Communication and Personal Effectiveness, Managing as a worker, and Money Management, how to work in a team. He graduated from the program. Illawarra Work Wise goes to see Chris once every 6 months to see how he is doing in McDonald's. He goes to support group once a week, they discuss all that has happened that week, and any problems that he might be having, and they also help him in developing positive relationship with friends and people in the community.

Chris finds his own transportation to work, when he goes out, he likes to travel on the train to Sydney when he goes to sporting events, to the pool, when he goes out with his girlfriend he finds his own way there and back. Chris is aware that he has to obey the house rules, not misbehaving, doing what he is told to do, such as coming home at a certain time. He also understands that if he doesn't obey the rules; he will not be allowed to do the activities that he likes. He knows the time and where to catch the buses, and how much money he needs. If Chris gets lost, he knows how to call the group home on his mobile phone. Reference: List Adolescents With Down syndrome: Toward a more Fulfilling Life Edited by Siegfried M. Pueschel & Maria Sus trova National Down Syndrome Society: web.