Underlying Goal Of Multicultural Education example essay topic

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The Challenge of Defining a Single "Multicultural Education" As stated in the first paragraph of this article, "Multicultural education has been transformed, refocused, re conceptualized, and in a constant state of evolution both in theory and in practice". Multicultural education is always changing. Culture is something that changes on a day-to-day basis. The way our society changes is no one's hands, but our own. Multicultural education can be something that is as simple as a change in the curriculum adding new and diverse materials (2nd paragraph). As the world changes our ability to learn should grow.

New things happen every day and the only way we can grow from these things is to open our eyes and realize what is going on. Society tackles many different things each day and we never know what's going to happen until after it does. Entering new things into the curriculum based on current issues is a positive thing in my eyes. Adding to and enhancing the curriculum adds more knowledge to our multicultural views. In the third paragraph of this article it states that, "Every student must have an equal opportunity to achieve to her or his full potential".

I agree with this statement fully. If a student is given the opportunity to put his or her all into their work then their work is at its potential. Many teachers prohibit this from happening by picking favorites and underestimating the ability of the quieter students. Many students are shy and don' t participate as openly as others.

When teachers' just focus on those with their hands always up I think it hinders on the ability of those who sit back and observe, rather than speak out. "Education must become fully student-centered and inclusive of the voices and experiences of the students". (Paragraph 3, bullet 5) I believe this statement is also very true. If teachers would take the time to get to know their students' and the experiences they have, they may be able to connect with their students on a more personal basis. Teachers and students aren't personal enough with each other. I look at it like this, my education is in the hands of the person's classroom I walk into everyday.

I would at least like to make myself known so my teachers can connect with me on a level and have an understanding of my learning capacity. A Working Definition Of Multicultural Education The underlying goal of multicultural education is to affect social change. The pathway towards this goal incorporates three strands of transformation known as: the transformation of self, the transformation of schools and schooling, and the transformation of society (Page 2). The transformation of self deals with a teachers' understanding of what's going on in our multicultural society.

Teachers' have the responsibility to eliminate their prejudices and instead examine what they are teaching and present it in a manner that directly affects the people they are teaching. When a teacher puts their two senses into a topic then they set the tone of how we as students view the topic as well. The next topic is the Transformation of schools and schooling, which has a variety of sub topics under it. Multicultural education calls for a critical examination of all aspects of schooling (page 2). This strand involves student-centered pedagogy, multicultural curriculum, inclusive educational media and materials, supportive school and classroom climate, and continual evaluation and assessment. The third and final topic that Paul Gorski mentions is the transformation of society.

In this part of the article there is a sentence stating", There is a sense, multicultural education uses the transformation of self and school as a metaphor and starting place for the transformation of society". I see this as a chance for teachers to share their knowledge of society with their students. In order to help them learn what the world has in store for them. Overall I believe this article is full of truthful and knowledgeable information. I would recommend anyone looking forward to expanding his or her education to read this.