Unicef's Management example essay topic

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Introduction (United Nations Children's Fund [UNICEF], n. d.) The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) is a leading advocate for women and children rights. Founded in 1946 and active in 157 countries and territories around the world. The UNICEF has committed it resources to achieve results for children in five major areas: Rights to an education Best possible start in life Safeguard against disease, provide immunizations Stop spread of AIDS / HIV and care for those already infected Protection from violence, exploitation, abuse and discriminationUNICEF's mission is to remain focus on these five priorities all over the world in all circumstances including conflicts, war, natural disasters, emergencies and also in times of peace. In order to accomplish their mission UNICEF's management must take into account ethics in planning and the factors of strategy, tactics, operations and contingency which influence each plan in management. Strategy Management at The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) must have a strategic plan which serves as the framework to build "A World Fit for Children".

(UNICEF [UNICEF], 1998) To plan strategically management must take into account UNICEF vision and mission and there strengths, weakness and threats to accomplish their goals. (World Health Organization [WHO], 2003, 1) An example of this is UNICEF working with all those who share their commitment to the rights of every child. Organizations such as World Health Organization (WHO) who have been working with UNICEF on a strategy to fight vaccine-preventable diseases called The Global Immunization Vision and Strategy (GIVE) goal is to fight vaccine-preventable diseases, which kill more than two million people every year, two thirds of those killed are children. WHO and UNICEF will assist governments in designing, financing and implementing national immunization programs while also taking into account ethics involving culture and religious beliefs of those who do not believe in immunizations.

Tactical The tactical plan of United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) management must describe how the organizations goals will be met and by when. It must also entail plans to help assure ethical business practices throughout UNICEF. The success of these goals will depend on the quality of there programs, information, communication, advocacy and the excellence of their internal management and operations. UNICEF management must hold them selves accountable to do all that they can for the success of their goals by planning, monitoring, evaluating, and reporting to achieve the results in the five major areas to change the world to serve the best interest of the child. Operational Operational planning in Management at the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) is setting out clearly the implementation of the strategic plan against specific objectives.

UNICEF management must look at went well, badly and why. They must also look at the organizations costs and savings and is there any process that could be simplified. UNICEF works and plans with people, from government ministries to individual community leaders, to provide safe environments where children can enjoy an ordinary childhood and a future filled with hope. UNICEF's work is funded completely by voluntary contributions to provide the supplies and support to children in need. (Jolly, 1991, p. 3) With over 80% of its staff located in field or regional offices within the Third World; many of the staff UNICEF our people working in health, education, nutrition, water and sanitation. Finally management and staffs focus on children encourages and naturally draws on a wide variety of professional skills.

Another factor relating to the mode of operations of UNICEF's is the initial concern with the readiness of its field staff. By UNICEF's having a large number staff in the field it provides many opportunities for learning first hand how people are being affected by the economic situation and whether access to education or health services is improving or deteriorating. This emphasis on the practical is reinforced by UNICEF's ongoing field programs, which have emphasized support for low-cost, highly effective interventions. Contingency As a humanitarian aide organization The United Nations Children's Fund Management must have a contingency plan which is adaptable to any rapidly changing situation or crisis the organization may face. UNICEF's management must look at the overall quality and appropriateness of the organizations response.

Management must see that UNICEF's programs met their objectives and to draw lessons from these assessment for future improvements thereby helping UNICEF to further define their work plan to strengthen the capacity of the organization to respond to crisis globally. Also, to provide a benchmark of performance upon which any future improvements can be measured. (UNICEF, 1990, p. 18) One such example would be of UNICEF management implementing ethical reporting on children to raise awareness in the media profession about the rights of children and how they can be protected or harmed through inappropriate policies or actions of the media. Management at UNICEF works to insure fair coverage and protection from exploitation. UNICEF management works to enhance the relation ship between children and media so that both grow and in the understanding of the positive and negative potential of the relationship. Conclusion In conclusion the management of The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) must identifying and analyzing good practices, by continually striving for excellence in all levels of their management planning.

UNICEF must learn from field experience, monitoring and evaluation of what works in programming, advocacy and management. Evaluation and identifying good practices help UNICEF and partners achieve better results for children and women. Recommendations Business is usually thought of as very materialistic concerns however why not incorporate spiritual values such as respect. A recommendation for management would be to implement in their management planning to ensure that human and civil rights, as set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, are respected throughout their business activities. Management like UNICEF should establish a framework based on this declaration to include criteria for workers rights embracing a safe, healthy working environment, fair wages, no discrimination on the basis of race, creed, gender or sexual orientation, or physical coercion of any kind. Just like UNICEF, management of other business should support long-term, sustainable relationships with communities in need.

They should pay special attention to those minority groups, women and disadvantaged peoples who are socially and economically marginalized. Most importantly management when planning should when ever possible use environmentally sustainable resources wherever technically and economically viable. All mangers should take into account ethics in planning and the factors of strategy, tactics, operations and contingency which influence each plan in management.