United Defense O George H.W. Bush example essay topic

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The Claims for the War in Iraq Iraq has Chemical and Biological Weapons o Bush Administration o 26,000 liters of anthrax-enough to kill several million people o 38,000 liters of botulinum toxin o 500 tons of sarin, mustard and VX nerve agents o Almost 30,000 munitions capable of delivering chemical agents o Mobile weapons labs "Winnebagos of death" - Colin Powell in speech to the UN o William Rivers Pitt o No weapons have been found; it is impossible to hide one million pounds of nerve agents. o Mobile weapons labs were actually weather balloon platforms solid to Iraq by the British during the Reagan administration. Uranium from Niger o Bush Administration o Originally the administration claimed that Saddam Hussein was working on methods of enriching uranium for a nuclear bomb. o During Bush's State of the Union Address the president declared: "The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa". o William Rivers Pitt o CIA Director George Tenet takes blame for the statement in the address. o Walter Pincus of the Washington Post wrote the following day that George Tenet went to the White House personally, four months before the State of the Union and personally warned Bush not to use the material in the address. This was a lie. o Joseph Wilson was the CIA's ambassador investigating Niger. Wilson visited Niger in February of 2002 and found no reliable evidence. The documentation that was the basis of this British intelligence had the name of a Nigerian government representative who hadn't been in power in the previous ten years. Iraq has connections to al-Qaeda; Iraq was directly responsible for the September 11th attacks o Bush Administration o Saddam Hussein aids terrorists including members of al-Qaeda. o He could provide weaponry or assist in the development of weapons to these terrorists. o William Rivers Pitt o Saddam Hussein was a secular leader; he called himself a socialist. o He spent thirty years killing Islamic fundamentalists.

There were laws requiring death for those who promoted Islamic fundamentalism, particularly that of the Wasabi sect practiced by Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda. o If Saddam had supplied al-Qaeda, they would have turned and used the weapons on him. o Osama bin Laden told the Iraqi people to rise up and kill Saddam as well as any Americans who were in the way. o Iraq is now what it was not six months ago, a breeding ground for al-Qaeda terrorism. Means of releasing information to public o Bush Administration o Office of Special Plans o Organization within the Department of Defense put together by Secretary Donald Rumsfeld o Independent to the standard practices of the intelligence community, nor subject to any congressional oversight o Ahmed Chalabi o Head of the "dissent group" Iraqi National Congress that supposedly wished to get rid of Saddam Hussein o Chalabi's helpers in the White House ran the Iraqi Liberation Act through Congress that made the removal of Saddam Hussein a matter of American law. o Gave millions of taxpayer dollars to Chalabi and his Iraqi National Congress o William Rivers Pitt o Office of Special Plans o Staffed by amateurs with ideologues accepted by Rumsfeld and Cheney. o Cherry-pick information from CIA and state department then twist it, manipulate it, or flat out lie about it. o Superceded CIA and state department due to the certification by Cheney o Dick Cheney, assistant Scooter Libby, and even Newt Gingrich visited the CIA to browbeat the analysts for "forward leaning intelligence" about the situation in Iraq. o Air Force Lt Colonel Karen Kwiatkowski o Worked with the Office of Special Plans in Pentagon division under Secretary Douglas Feith o The day following her retirement in April, Colonel Kwiatkowski declared that the office gave false information to congress and cut the other intelligence agencies out of the loop. o A prime witness for the upcoming congressional intelligence review of the evidence for the war o Ahmed Chalabi o Convicted of thirty-two counts of bank fraud o Sentenced to twenty-two years by a Jordanian court o Office of Special Plans came to him for information in Iraq Has not been to Iraq since 1956; currently on the governing board in Iraq which was appointed by the US and has been ignored by the UN Main source for weapons, al-Qaeda connections Thought taking over Iraq would be a "cakewalk" Main source for Judy Miller of the New York Times Ran fallacious stories about how terrible the weapons were Mainstream media was compelled to follow the NY Times Project for a New American Century o Bush Administration o Founded in 1997 by the American Enterprise Institute o Purpose is to fundamentally change the way the United States deals with the world o More hyperactive military o Pax Americana o William Rivers Pitt o Direct insult to JFK who stated during his Peace Speech o "What kind of peace do we seek? Not a Pax Americana enforced upon the world by American weapons of war". o 2000 Report: Rebuilding America's Defenses o 3.8% minimum gross domestic product dumped into the Pentagon budget o Fight several major theatre wars Invade Iraq, take it over, establish permanent military presence, knock off both friendly and non-friendly regimes o Norman Podhoretz "Reformation and modernization of Islam" Basically a crusade o Statement of Principles signed by Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Pearl, and Elliott A brahms among others on June 3, 1997 Prophetic Received 3.8% of the gross domestic product in Bush's last budget Two major theatre wars Transformation will take a very long time unless another catalytic event similar to Pearl Harbor occurs o Bush's foreign policy report for the United States of America in September 2002 very similar to Rebuilding America's Defenses Everything the report asks for, Bush has given o Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg, Brown and Root currently building permanent military bases in Iraq o "If we keep going the way we are going, we " re going to create a pissed off tide of humanity that will bury us". Other information o William Rivers Pitt o October 4, 2001 Bush "we have to counteract the shockwave of the evildoer by thinking about accelerating individual rate cuts and thinking about tax rebates" o Dick Cheney still receives a million dollars per year in a deferred retirement package from Halliburton o United Defense in Arlington, Virginia is a weapons manufacturer that makes everything we use in a war o Carlisle Group owns United Defense o George H.W. Bush works for Carlisle Group along with former Secretary of State James Baker's firm Baker Botts.