Upper Level Manager Positions example essay topic

869 words
Nightmare on Wall Street This case is all about facts and incidents about the harsh truths that lie behind the discrimination and harassment against women in the workplace. Males have predominately rules the workplace on Wall Street and had the perception of having no women take their glory. For years women were filling suits with the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) about the way men were treating them. Women were getting mistreated, demoted, harassed or even fired in some incidents for reasons beyond their control. Robert Thomann is a good example of the mistreatment that was being laid on the female brokers. Thomann was out on 8 weeks maternity leave and when she came back, her branch manager which was known as the tyrant demoted her.

Cue no, her branch manager, said that any sexual harassment charges would be deliberated in the Boom, Boom Room which was located in the basement of the firms building. It was a room decorated like a fraternity with a toilet seat hanging on the ceiling. After I read that, I could not believe it. The way the men were acting and treating women is unbelievable. Something needs to change at Thomann and other women keep filling suits against these male dominated managers that were not scared of any repercussions of the way they were acting.

They did not think that they were doing anything wrong because their mindsets were all about the males in that industry were better suited. For the women who have been with the same company for over 10 years and have proved sales wise that they are more qualified for upper level manager positions, they were still getting left out of the picture. There was another woman who ended up quitting a firm because she was pregnant and nothing was happening when she was filing her suits so she just blatantly quit. Her boss was making the point that she was in the wrong business and pretty much telling her men were more suitable. When then he goes and tells other male employees, "have more kids, bigger mortgage" in order to motivate them to sell more. What a hypocrite statement that is the biggest double standard ever.

Women like this are in a no win situation because the men are walking around knowing that they can't be touched. And that is the way things were going. Men would make threats to the women that if they filed harassment suits, which they would never find another job in this business again. One of the women after quitting got offered three or four million dollar manager positions, that are were discharged. It's sadly to say that some people who do such horrible acts. Not only to do such acts, but to get away with them is the sad part.

Something is not right with that picture. Women were aware while entering into that field of work that men discriminated against women. But no women I know would let rumors from keeping me from making millions of dollars. But it came a time for all these women were they said it was enough. Many of the times they would just ignore the men, other times they would file suits waiting for the correct resolution that never happened, other times it got so bad it forced them to quit.

Quit! How could they get away from driving women brokers from their job who are extremely qualified. Personally I think there is something terribly wrong when the EEOC keeps getting suit charges and charges against discrimination and harassment against women in the workplace. Greg Ras in, a partner at Jackson Lewis in New York gave some great tips that I think should apply in every workplace. The tip that I think should be enforced and dealt with correctly is zero tolerance. Make every male employer aware that there is absolutely no tolerance for discrimination.

They need to be aware of the consequences and if they are severe enough to make them think twice before doing it ever, then you succeeded. Keeping discriminatory jokes out of the workplace is so preventable. Set an example that the jokes are not allowed at all and keep them off the time clock. It needs to come from the top, HR, all the upper level management.

They are the ones that need to be engaging and enforcing these policies that their employers better follow. Women are in the category of minorities which I don't agree with at all. Now days, women are as qualified or even more qualified in high level positions. It's hard to read about how badly men were treating women for the sole reason of gender. Some of these discriminations and harassment affected women's lives. With our generation and all policies and regulations, I don't see how men are getting away with it.

But hopefully down the line, women would be no longer looked as an opposite sex, but as a co-worker.