Use Of Imaginary And Complex Numbers example essay topic
Around 1545 Girolamo Car dano, an Italian mathematician, solved what seemed to be an impossible cubic equation. By solving this equation he attributed to the acceptance of imaginary numbers. Imaginary numbers were known by the early mathematicians in such forms as the simple equation used today x = +/- ^-1. However, they were seen as useless. By 1572 Rafael Bombe li showed in his dissertation Algebra, that roots of negative numbers can be utilized. To solve for certain types of equations such as, the square root of a negative number (^-5), a new number needed to be invented.
They called this number i. The square of i is -1. These early mathematicians learned that multiplying positive and negative numbers by i a new set of numbers can be formed. These numbers were then called imaginary numbers. They were called this, because mathematicians still were unsure of the legitimacy. So, for lack of a better word they temporarily called them imaginary.
Over the centuries the letter i was still used in equations therefore, the name stuck. The original positive and negative numbers were then aptly named real numbers. What are Imaginary Numbers An imaginary number is a number that can be show as a real number times i. Real numbers are all positive numbers, negative numbers and zero. The square of any imaginary number is a negative number, except for zero.
The most accepted use of imaginary numbers is to represent the roots of a polynomial equation (the adding and subtracting of many variables) in one variable. Imaginary numbers belong to the complex number system. All numbers of the equation a + bi, where a and b are real numbers are a part of the complex number system. Imaginary Numbers at Work Imaginary numbers are used in a variety of fields and holds many uses. Without imaginary numbers you wouldnt be able to listen to the radio or talk on your cellular phone. These type of devices work by receiving and transmitting radio waves.
Capacitors and inductors are used to make circuits that are used to make radio waves. In order to determine the right values of capacitors and inductors to use in the circuits, designers need to use imaginary numbers. Another use of imaginary and complex numbers is in physics, quantum mechanics to be exact. In quantum mechanics a big problem is to find the position of a particle. Unfortunately, only the probability distribution of its position is possible to find. The only way to calculate this is to use imaginary and complex variables.
Lastly, electrical engineers use imaginary numbers. However, instead of using i in their equations they use j. This is because in the equations they commonly use, i means current, so to represent imaginary numbers they use j. Four Most Familiar Number Concepts There are four of the most common numbers that we, the common person, know about and can understand why they exist.
At one point or another you might have used one of these four concepts in your math classes. The first concept are Natural Numbers, which are abstract numbers that answer questions, like how many. They are able to describe sizes and sets. The second concept are Integers, they describe the relative sizes between two sets. They answer questions, like how many more does A have than B Rational numbers are what describes ratios and fractions. For example you might tell Karen that you ate 3/4 of an apple pie.
This will let Karen know you ate three quarters out of a four quarter pie. A real number is a number that will describe a measurement like weight, length and fluid. However, in none of the four concept can you see the square root of -1 fall into place. There exist a fifth concept which is referred to as a complex number. As mentioned earlier a complex number equation = a+bi.
It is a real number with an imaginary number. Quadratic Formula and Imaginary numbers Throughout our lifetime, teachers have informed students that negative numbers cannot be squared. With imaginary numbers we are able to do so. With a very simple example it can be shown how this is true. With an equation like y = x^2+ 4 x+29, we can get the x intercept by using the quadratic equation. By following all appropriate steps you will find out where the x intercepts are at.
Roots are all places that a graph will touch the x intercept. The quadratic equation = -b+- square root of b^2-4 (a) (c) / 2 (a). By graphing the equation y = x^2+4 x+29, you will see the parabolas location. This parabola will not touch the x intercept. This table will show you how: i^1 = i i^4 = 1 i^2 = -1 i^5 = i i^3 = -i i^6 = i Complex Root and Complex Conjugate Root This is an ongoing cycle that will help you solve problems that deal with i^n power. Another amazing technique you can use is when you are given a complex root and the complex conjugate root and you need to derive the equation by the root given and complex root.
A complex conjugate root is that exact opposite of a complex root. For example if you are given one complex root of 2-5 i, and you are asked to find the equation you simply multiply 2-5 i by the conjugate root of 2+5 i. By using foil method you will find out the equation. For example: (2-5 i) (2+5 i) = 4+10 i-10 i-25 i elimination will give you = -25 i^2+4 you know i^2 = -1 therefore = -25 (-1) +4 a negative times a negative equals a positive = 25+4 = 29 You then add the complex root (2-5 i) with its complex conjugate root (2+5 i). 2+5 i = 2-5 i = 4 This will let you know that your equation is y = x^2+4 x+29 and you are able to graph and see how and where the complex roots are located on the graph. Making An imaginary Number A Real Number You can multiply, add, divide, subtract and even take the square root of a negative number.
Like mentioned in the History of Imaginary Numbers, negative numbers were not believed to be a valid answer. However, we know that a negative number does have meaning and is a valid answer. A negative number will let us determine many different things. We see them in our check books, when graphing, and even when finding the expected number of a roulette game.
Complex numbers can be added to show you how they can become real numbers. For example: 5 i^2 + 4 i^2 = 9 i^4 9 (1) = 9 The answer is a real number that we obtained after adding it to imaginary numbers. You can refer to the imaginary number cycle. It is known that i^4 = 1, nine is then multiplied by 1 to get a positive nine.
Weather you get a negative or positive number they are real numbers. Conclusion Imaginary numbers are in fact very real. They have common uses and very intricate uses. Little does the average person know the imaginary number is one of the oldest and greatest discoveries ever found. Dr. Anthony, Ask Dr. Math The Math Forum, 1994-2001. web (2001-March-15). Mathews, John.
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An Imaginary Tale. New Jersey: Princeton University Press. Ross, Kelley. Ph. D...
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Do Imaginary Numbers Really Exist University of Toronto Mathematics Network, 1997. web (2001-April-4).