Useful For People example essay topic

290 words
Compu ter is more and more use ful in today's world. Almost everyone is learning how to use it. it can help us to do lots of work. For example, it can help sut dents to type their homework, it also can help man agers to store their stuff. to learn how to use a comp ter is not very hard. fir st, you need to find a com puter. th en you have to learn how to type and how to use the mouse be case this is the o nly way that you can input your com mand to the computer. second, to learn how to us e the word process. it's very useful for people who needs to type stuff freq u endtly. Third, to use co mpu ter to communicate. The internet is a great way to ke ep in touch with people. E-mail is the mo st obvious and the most avail able form of communi ca tion. but you can also use instant mes saying services to ch at wi th yo ur friends when they are on line. you can even send them gre eating cards and voice messages.

Fourth, to learn how to ex plor e the web. There are ma ny re sources on the web that can h elp you with your rese a rch, a nd yo ur homework. it wil l be ve ry help ful if you mast er all these skil ls. these skills will help you to fin ish you r wo rk and commun c ate with pe opl e fa ster an d easier. that's why compu ter is so impor tant in tod ay's world.