User A Feeling example essay topic
The drug effects co-ordination and increases the risk of accidents. It also lowers in habitations, making unsafe sex more likely. Cannabis can damage the lungs and lead to paranoia. Cocaine (C, coke, snow, toot, charlie, white) and Crack (freebase, gravel, ice, rock, wash): - Cocaine and crack are strong, short-lived stimulants, made from the coca shrub, which grows in South America.
They are both illegal. Cocaine is a fluffy white powder and is usually sniffed, but sometimes prepared for injection. Crack is a crystalline form of cocaine, usually smoked. Crack is especially addictive.
Cocaine is used to maintain feelings of energy and to avoid feeling low. People feel alert and aggressive after taking cocaine. Cocaine damages the nose and results in serious weight loss. Regular users will find that they are very run down, depressed and paranoid. Ecstasy (E, echoes, XTC, MDMA, love doves): - Ecstasy is a synthetic drug that combines stimulant and hallucinogenic effects. It comes in tablet or capsule form.
The tablet may be brown or white. It is illegal. There could be anything mixed in to an ecstasy tablet, and may not even be ecstasy. Ecstasy gives peopl a rush of energy, keeping them awake and active. Feelings of calmness, closeness to other people and greater awareness of surroundings, colours and sounds usually follow this. High doses can make people panicky and regular use can lead to sleep problems, lethargy and depression.
Ecstasy makes you sweat, leaves you with a dry mouth, a tight jaw, high blood pressure and high energy levels. It causes liver and kidney damage. Dehydration and non-stop dancing, while taking the drug, have lead to death. Heroin (H, gear, harry, horse, jack, junk, scat, stag, smack): - Heroin is obtained from opium poppies and is usually a brownish powder. This powder can be dissolved and injected, or smoked.
Heroin is extremely addictive. The first experience of heroin gives the user a feeling of intense well being, but this will quickly change and the withdrawal feelings can be very painful, causing vomiting, aches and tiredness. It is very easy to OD on heroin. There may also be impurities such as bleach, in the heroin.
LSD (A, acid, trips, Lucy, dots, star, tab): - LSD is a powerful hallucinogenic drug, made from a fungus, which grows on rye grass. It is often pressed into paper, with designs on, or as tiny tablets. It is an illegal drug. Using LSD results in a trip, which can last from anything to 12 hours. During the trip, visual and sound distortions, intensified colours and changes in the sense of time and place are common. During a bad trip, people may feel anxious, paranoid and feel as though everyone and everything is threatening them.
Sometimes people think that they are going mad and may do dangerous things, whilst tripping. LSD causes extreme moods and flashbacks that occur several months after use. It is also very easy to OD on LSD. Poppers (amyl, butyl, liquid gold, locker room, ram, rush, snapper, stag, stud, thrust): - Poppers are bottles gold coloured liquid. The bottles are popped open and the vapours are inhaled, through the mouth or the nose. They are legal.
They give a quick rushing feeling and time feels as if it is slowing down. Loss of balance, headache and nausea are common. Poppers are seen as aphrodisiacs, enhancing sexual pleasure. Users sometimes lose consciousness. People have died when they have drunk, rather than sniffed, the poppers.
Solvents: - Solvents include many household products, such as: glue, nail varnish remover, etc. The effect comes on very quickly, but does not last for long. It has been described as a bit like becoming drunk. Some people feel light headed and dreamy, whilst others feel sick and drowsy. Once the effect has worn off, users often experience a hangover. Using solvents can increase the risk of an accident, considerably.
People die from heart failure and choking on their own vomit..