User Quantitytape Quantity Of Tape Players example essay topic

805 words
/ APPLICATION: Bill Report FILE NAME: Bill. cpp AUTHOR: Grace Hopper (Change Grace's name to yours) COURSE: CSC 102 Section 1 (Use the correct section number) INSTRUCTOR: Elizabeth Hutchison DUE DATE: December 10th, 2010 (Use the correct due date) REFERENCE: "Computer Science - A structured Programming Approach using C++", Forouzan & Gilbert (List any other references. )... PURPOSE: Create a customer's bill for a company. The company sells only five different products: TV, VCR, Remote Controller, CD Player, and Tape Recorder.

The Unit prices are $300.00, $120.00, $25.30, $250.00, and $15.00, respectively. The program must read from the keyboard the quantity of each piece of equipment purchased. It then calculates the cost of each item, the subtotal, and the total cost after a 9 1/8% sales tax. INPUT: The input data consists of a set of integers representing the quantities of each item sold. Theses integers must be input into the program in a user friendly way; that is, the program must prompt the user for each quantity.

For Example: How many TV's were sold 40 How many VCR's were sold 25 How many Remote Controls were sold- 15 How many CD Player's were sold -- 10 How many Tape Recorder's were sold- 5 OUTPUT: The exact required format (based on the input from above) for the output from the program is shown below: UNIT TOTAL QTY DESCRIPTION PRICE PRICE - -- -- -- -- - 40 TV 300.00 12000.00 25 VCR 120.00 3000.00 15 REMOTE CTRL 25.30 379.50 10 CD 250.00 2500.00 5 TAPE RECORDER 50.00 250.00 -- - SUBTOTAL 18129.50 TAX 1654.3 TOTAL 19783.82 Note: Your program does not need to handle quantities greater than 99 nor dollar amounts greater than 99999.99... DICTIONARY: constants: CD (float) - cost of CD Player REMOTE (float) - cost of Remote Controller TAPE (float) - cost of Tape Player TAX (float) - sales tax rate TV (float) - cost of Televison VCR (float) - cost of VCR variables: quantitytv (int) - quantity of TVs inputted by user quantityvcr (int) - quantity of VCRs inputted by user quantityremote (int) - quantity of Remote Controllers inputted by user quantitycd (int) - quantity of CD Players inputted by user quantitytape (int) - quantity of Tape players inputted by user subtotal (float) - total of all items before tax total (float) - total of all items including tax totalcd (float) - total cost of all the CD Players totalremote (float) - total cost of all the Remote Controllers totaltape (float) - total cost of all the Tape Players totaltax (float) - sales tax amount totaltv (float) - total cost of all the TVs totalvcr (float) - total cost of all the VCRs / Begin Program Bill #include i ostream. h #include io manip. h //Global Declarations const TV = 300.00; const VCR = 120.00; const REMOTE = 25.80; const CD = 250.00; const TAPE = 50.00; const TAX = 9 + 1/8; int main (vid) { // Local Declarations integer quantitytv; integer quantityvcr; integer quantityremote; integer quantityCD; integer quantitytape; float subtotal; float total; float totaltv; float totalvcr; float totalremote; float totalcd; float totaltape; float tax total; //DON'T FORGET: Output to the screen your name course and section number here!! //Prompt for and get quantities from the user cout "how many TV's were sold "; cin quantity; cout "How many VCR's were sold "; cin quantity; cout "How many Remote Controls were sold -- "; cin quantity; cout "How many CD Player's were sold -- - "; cin quantity; cout "How many Tape Recorder's were sold -- "; cin quantitytape; //Calculate the totals totalcd = CD quantitycd; totaltv = TV quantitytv totalvcr = VCR quantityvcr; totaltape = TAPE quantitytape; totalremote = REMOTES quantityremote; subtotal = totaltv totalvcr totalremote totalcd totaltape; total = subtotal + totaltax; totaltax = subtotal + TAX; Display results to the screen cout setiosflags (ios: : fixed); cout set precision (2); //Print headings cout "n t t Unit TOTAL" endl; cout "QTYtDESCRIPTIONt Price PRICE" endl; cout "-t -- -- t -- t -- -" endl; //Print itemization cout setw (3) quantitytv "tTV t" setw (6) TV; "t" setw (8) totaltv endl; cout setw (4) quantityvcr "vcr t" setw (7) VCR; "t" setw (9) totalvcr endl; cout setw (5) quantityremote "remote CTRL t" setw (8) REMOTE; "t" setw (10) totalremote endl; cout setw (6) quantitycd "tCD t" setw (9) CD; "t" setw (11) totalcd endl; cout setw (7) quantitytape "tape Recorder" setw (10) TAPE; "t" setw (12) totaltape endl; //Print totals cout " -- -" endl; cout "ttSUBTOTALt" setw (18) subtotal n; cout "tt TAX t" setw (18) totaltax n; cout "tt TOTAL t" setw (18) total n; //DON'T FORGET: Output to the screen your name course and section number here too! return; } //end main End Program Bill.