V Jude 1 example essay topic
He put it in a vase on the table, and started to admire the flower. Then he realised that the vase was dirty. And so he cleaned the vase. As he sat admiring the flower, he saw that the table was dirty. So he cleaned the table.
As he sat admiring the flower again, he saw that the floor was dirty. So he cleaned the floor too. Finally, he ended up cleaning the whole house. This is what! yen sanctification! | means. After we have received Jesus into our life, He will begin to clean us up from within. Message- Sanctification is God's will for us!
V 1 Thes 4: 3- Sanctification involves the sanctification of body, soul and spirit! V 1 Thes 5: 23- Sanctification involves both God and uso Jesus is our Sanctifier! V Heb 2: 11; God our Father is our Sanctifier too! V Jude 1: 1 o Our part! V purging ourselves!
V 2 Tim 2: 21"X Be a vessel unto honour and sanctification for the Master's use"X Our confession brings forgiveness and cleansing! V 1 John 1: 9- The means of sanctification: o His word! V John 17: 17, 19 o His Spirit! V 1 Peter 1: 2; 2 Thes 2: 13 o Our faith! V Acts 26: 18 o God's discipline! V Heb 12: 10 o Blood of Jesus!
V Heb 13: 12 Conclusion- Examples of the Corinthian Christians! V 1 Cor 6: 9-11! V forgiven and sanctified from their former life-styles- God's promise! V He is able to keep us from stumbling and present us faultless!
V Jude 1: 24.