V Petrushka example essay topic
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His Life: " ' 1882! V 1971, born and raised in Oranienbaum " ' father was the leading bass at the Imperial Opera " ' musical education was kept on amateur level due his parents! | wish for him to study law " ' at 20, submitted compositions to Rimsky-Korsakov, attracted the attention of Diaghilev, the impresario of the Paris-based Russian Ballet, who commissioned him to write a score for The Firebird " ' a year later, the ballet Petrushka, with dancers Vaclav Nijinsky and Tamara Karsavina in leading roles " ' The Rite of Spring! V was a catastrophe on opening night, presented a year later at a symphony concert, received enthusiasm and was established as a masterpiece " ' moved to Switzerland at the outbreak of war in 1914 with his family " ' the difficulty of assembling large performances during the war motivated him to work more intimated in spirit and modest in dimension " ' 1920, moved to France for the next 19 years, performing his music as pianist and conductor throughout Europe " ' 1939, invited to deliver a lecture at Harvard " ' W.W. II broke out and settled in California " ' died in New York, April 1971, age 89 His Music: " 's style evolved continuously throughout his life, from post-impressionism to the primitivism to his mature classicism style " ' began with ballets, rhythm allied with body movement and expressive gesture " ' disliked the chromaticism of the Romantic period, but no matter how daring the harmony, retains a sense of key " ' had a subtle sense of sound, clear texture in orchestral music " ' Neoclassical music! V Oedipus Rex, an opera-oratorio " ' The Symphony of Psalms, chorus and orchestra! V regarded as his best " ' The Rake's Progress, opera, librettist W.H. Auden and C. K allman " ' melodious score uses the set forms of Mozart ean opera " ' after 70, turned to serial procedures of the 12-tone style " ' technique appeared in works from the 1950's, most important is ballet Agon Petrushka: " ' presents the ill-fated adventures of a puppet who came to life " 's eating! V street fair during Carnival week in St. Petersburg in the 1830's " ' his use of folk tunes makes the ballet a work of the Russian national school " ' first tableau!
V shows crowds milling about the booths " ' a sudden drum roll summons the crowd to the puppet theater " ' curtain rises, revealing three puppets! V Petrushka, Ballerina, Moor! V the showman touches the dolls with his flute, and they spring to life " ' dance on their hooks at first, then step down and break into a Russian dance " ' 2nd! V the little clown's (Petrushka) unhappy love for Ballerina " ' 3rd tableau! V Moor is brutal and stupid, but Ballerina is charmed by his looks and uniform " ' Petrushka mad with jealousy interrupts them and Moor threw him out " ' Final Tableau! V Petrushka rushes out the curtain, pursued by Moor, who strikes him with his sword " ' Petrushka falls and dies, the Showman drags the puppet to his room, Petrushka's ghost above him, stricken with fear drops the doll and steals away " ' Music 1st tableau!
V 3 sections, 1st and 3rd are rondo form, 2nd is a flute cadenza played by the Showman that rises the curtain of the theater and the Russian dance that begins the 3rd section " ' begins with folk music that surrounded Stravinsky's childhood " ' a solo flute, supported by a 2nd flute, presents a syncopated melody in high register " ' rhythm based on new concepts of irregular meters and poly rhythms " ' used variety of harmonic devices! V simple diatonic chords to accompany popular tunes, pentatonic, whole-tone, chromatic progressions and poly harmony Principal Works: " ' Orchestral work! V Symphony in C, Concerto for Piano and Winds " ' Ballets! V Firebird, Petrushka, The Rite of Spring, Agon " ' Opera! V The Rake's Progress, opera-oratorio, Oedipus Rex " ' Choral Music! V Symphony of Psalms " ' Chamber music, piano music, songs.