Very Hard Time example essay topic

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Most of us have someone that we admire, someone that we look up to, and someone that we want to be like. As the children we see our ideals in the cartoon characters. When we grow a little older we usually pick sport's stars, musicians or actors as our heroes. Our heroes usually change with time. As we grow older, we end up picking our ideals as more educated people. I am not like most of the people.

I have been blessed with having the same hero since I first opened my eyes in this world. I looked up to her when I was a kid, I look up to her now and I hope that I will be just as much of a hero to my kids as she is to me. My hero is my Mother. I admire her for who she is and how she deals with all the tough situations that come her way.

In our lives as a family we have been faced with many difficult changes, many difficult decisions, and she has always been a guiding hand through it all. To this day I get amazed of her emotional strength. To this day I do not feel uncomfortable or unsure about asking her of any advice, because I know that it would come straight from her heart with all the details even the ones that I would not like to hear because she loves to help people. And when it seems to me that the rest of the world does not care, I can always count on her love for me.

My Mother is my hero because of her strength, love, and generous heart to help that she never fails in. My beautiful Mother faced many hard times in her life that she still showed her emotional and physical strength through. Six years ago, while we were still living in Lithuania, my dad, seeking for better future for our family left us and came here, to the United States to work. My Mom was left with a seven years old at the time my brother, eleven years old me, a dog and no job.

Most of the time women in Lithuania stay with their kids at home, while their husbands are working. It was unknown for us how long our dad will be gone. It was a very difficult and confusing situation for all of us. She had to represent both of the parents to us since our dad was not there. I still cannot understand how did she manage to a find a job and still take care of my brother and me so well. She had to be on her own for two full years, while my dad was working in the other side of the world.

I recall so many nights that my brother would wake up crying because he wanted to see our dad. My Mom had to be strong enough to calm him down while crying herself. It was so hard for her to raise us by herself, especially when all this time it was both of my parents taking care of us. Time went by and we missed our dad more with every second.

Our Mother was the only comfort that we got. She was not only strong enough to deal with her feelings, but she knew how to put her sadness aside and was strong enough to give my brother and me as much hope as we needed. She also gave us the double love that we missed from our father. After two years being apart, we finally came back together as a family. It felt like nothing else could go wrong as long as we are all together. Unfortunately my Mother's problems are not over.

Within these two recent years she had to face two difficult surgeries that required a lot of physical and emotional strength from her. And now she is getting prepared for the third surgery in a month or so. My Mom has tumors in her throat that need to be taken out. She has faced a lot of pain through all this time while she has been having these medical problems. She is not showing how it makes her feel, or what emotional affect it has on her. All she tries to do is to get her strength together and calm her family down, make them feel comfortable and not scared of the outcomes.

We do the same for her. My Mother is my hero for coping with her physical weakness the way she does. She is being very strong emotionally. She is being very sure that all will have a happy ending.

There is not many people in this world that are willing to help others the way my Mom does. She would go out of her way to please and make others happy. She would do anything that she is capable of. One time, my Mother and I were walking down the Lithuania's streets. It was a very hot summer. We had no money with us because we went out just for a little walk to enjoy the warmth of the sun.

There was a father and his seven or eight years old son sitting on the corner of the street and asking for money. They looked very poor. Their clothing was dirty and they looked hungry. My Mother felt so bad, but we had no money on us, or anything that we could give them. There was a little store about 2 min. away from where those poor were sitting. She shopped at that store many times and the owner, who happened to be a cashier, also knew my Mother, or at least her face.

Mom talked the women into giving some food to us so we could pay back for it later. Thankfully, the lady understood the situation that my Mother has explained about those poor on the street. Mom told her that she wanted the food for those people on the street. It was such a great moment when my Mom got what she wanted for those poor from that store.

She was extremely happy to make little boy smile. My Mother is a perfect example of someone to look up to for my brother and me. With her generous heart she is an amazing Mother. We do not live in a big house. It is just enough space for our family.

Last year, one Lithuanian family that came to the Pittsburgh had a very hard time getting used to this new environment. They were having difficulties in finding good jobs so the money issue was also very tough for them. My Mom volunteered to share our house with that family till they get their life together. Luckily this family stayed with us for only 2 months, but it didn't bother my Mom.

She knew that she was helping them and that is what she loves to do. She loves helping people. She did not ask anything from them. She cooked for everyone and did more stuff then she would do if it were only our family living there, but she had no regrets on letting those people live with us.

My dad, my brother and I were not so happy about her decision, but she made us feel that it was a great thing to do. My Mother has a generous heart and I am very proud of her willingness to help anyone at anytime. Love is a precious thing. We always want to get it but sometimes we can only give so much of it.

It seems for me that my Mom has her heart filled with never ending love. She used to work at Saint Francis academy. She took care of the Lithuanian nuns that are living there. She tried everyday to give them a sense of Lithuania because she knew what it meant for those women.

One summer weekend my Mom spent whole 2 days in the kitchen cooking all kinds of Lithuanian traditional food. She was making many different kids of dishes. Besides all the cooking she went to Cleveland to pick up some Lithuanian bread, candy and all kinds of other Lithuanian goodies that only the Lithuanian store in Cleveland had. She put tables outside in our yard; she set everything so nice and invited all those Lithuanian nuns over our house for Lithuanian dinner.

The women cried. It has been a long time since they had homemade Lithuanian dinner with food that only their mothers cooked. My Mother showed the love and chariness. I enjoyed that evening just as much as all of the women including my Mom did.

When I feel down, sad, or unloved, I know that I can always go to my Mom, and no matter how busy she is, she will always hear me out and show her support. One Friday night my parents had a wedding to go to that was my dad's boss's wedding. The same Friday I happened to have a karate tournament. The wedding was planned all out and presents bought long before I knew about my tournament. It meant a lot to me for my parents to be there, but the wedding was very important step for my dad. I tried to hide it from my Mom how upset I was about the whole situation.

The day came and my parents left to the wedding. I left for my tournament with my friend and her parents. I was really upset, because there has never been a tournament that my biggest fans, my parents, would not show up at. I also understood how important it was for them to be at the wedding. When it was my time to fight, unfortunately I lost.

I had too much things on my mind. Couple minutes after I had lost my fight I saw my Mother right there in the gym looking for me. At that moment it did not matter that I have lost. It did not matter that my Mom did not see me fight. All that really mattered was that she loved me so much that she left the wedding after the church and did not went to the reception so she could come to see me. My dad stayed at the wedding.

I did not expect her to come; therefore I was extremely excited when she did. Her love for me helped me overcome many difficulties in my life. I love her just as much and she loves me. In my life I have not seen that many heroic qualities in any person other then my Mother. She shows love, care, and generosity to others, when she needs a lot of strength herself to deal with all the difficulties in her life. She has been a great influence for me.

I have learned very valuable lessons in life just observing her actions. My Mother will be the best influence for her grandchildren. Life for all of us in our family would be so different if my Mom would not be strong enough to keep up with its hard times. I might have separate parents by now.

The time apart from my dad for 2 years could have broken our family apart. My Mother has been strong through it all and I am very proud of her. She will always be my loving hero. She is my dream for future: to become just like her.