Vietnam War Costs Thousands Of American Lives example essay topic

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Snap! In an instant a disagreement has gotten out of hand. In one second beliefs have clashed. In a flash an argument has boiled over... In a single moment, your country has gone to war. Since the dawn of man there have been wars.

There has been condescension, discontent, and greed. Since the beginning of time there have been instances of "good versus evil". War takes lives. It kills fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, daughters and sons. War is scary, but it is as necessary as it is inevitable. It is a simple fact that people disagree.

Not everyone thinks the same way, everyone has their own individual opinion on topics, whether they be trivial or vital. People have debates and debates can get out of hand. When words can no longer solve a problem violence enters the picture and when the quarrel is between large groups of like minded people war erupts. People must not dismiss war as entirely evil.

However bad war may seem, war gives people jobs. Without war soldiers would not be soldiers, our military branches would be obsolete, people who work in factories that make ammo, guns, Kevlar and all other equipment would be out of the job. Without war there would be no need for people who study for years and years to design new vehicles and weapons. Believe it or not war is a vital part of our economy. But war is not just about money. It's not just about jobs and economy.

War is how dreams of better things can become a reality. War is how freedom is earned and rights are given. It is through war that I'm able to write this paper expressing myself how I wish. It is through war that the United States of America has become the most powerful nation on earth with the highest standard of living. It is through war that angry moms can bash their own president. It is through war that brothers, sisters, fathers, sons and daughters can curse their own country.

I cannot stand idly by while our country is divided as an effect of war. Everyday more and more people speak out against their own country and president. Painters paint pictures, singers sing songs, writers write stories and all the while their messages are absorbed by those around them. It has gotten to the point that today's youth has grown hatred towards that which they should proud to be part of. My own sister, on a daily basis, resents her own school. She constantly speaks of the superiority of other schools she has never attended.

Our country has become one where the people resent what they know and praise what they know not. Individuals of great influence constantly speak of what they know or understand little about. Without realizing the effects of what they say, public figures regularly comment on how they would handle the situation if they were in the other's shoes. There are none who can accurately say what they would do if they were in the same situation as someone else. "This experiment [... ] demonstrates how difficult it is for any of us to listen to our own voice or maintain our own beliefs in the presence of others. If any of you believe you would have marched differently, then ask yourself why you participated in the clapping.

Lads there is a great need in all of us to be accepted. However, that need can be like a nasty current, whisking us away unless we " re strong and determined swimmers. Don't insist on the separate path simply to be different or contrary but trust what is unique about yourselves even if it's odd or unpopular. As Mr. Robert Frost said, 'Two roads diverged in a wood, and I...

I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference' " (Dead Poets Society). The lives of average citizens can be so easily influenced. When an individual who knows little on a subject and they hear a somewhat rational thought with no contrary facts or counter argument that the same thought becomes their own. What is depressing is that the individual that was influenced was influenced who knew little of what the spoke of. There is freedom of speech in this country however, many citizens of high social standards do not realize that they are at a place of great power.

These individuals have to the power to shape the thinking, feelings, and opinions of thousands all over the world with a few words. Our country relies on unity just like any other country must if it wishes to stand. However, it takes more than just unity, pride and loyalty are must haves as well. A country must stand behind the decisions of its authority figures. Just like all countries are never gonna agree entirely, neither is the entire population of the United States, but, if certain persons publicly express their disagreement with and resentment of their own president, it shows other countries that we have weakness. It shows everyone else that when the time calls for it this country may be unable to stand together.

"December 7th, 1941, date which will live in infamy, the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan" World War II, perhaps one the largest war in history, however, America showed no sign of entering it. Nevertheless, on December 7th Japanese forces attacked our largest naval base, Pearl Harbor, in an attempt to cripple the most powerful country on earth. Approximately 2,402 Americans died in the bombing of pearly harbor. Japanese Admiral Yamato took several months organizing the most successful military attack in history because he saw Americans as weak, however, the United States of America did in fact unite and on August 14th 1945, Japan announced its surrender to the United States.

Once again the United States found war to be necessary. A lot has changed in 60 years since the surrender of Japan aboard the US Missouri, in Tokyo Bay however. In the 1940's America some how found away to put aside bitter differences and united to protect their freedom. Even still during the Vietnam Conflict from 1960 to 1973 the United States was quite a bit less united than before. 'From an American viewpoint, the Vietnam War is not well understood. Even though it was part of the American daily life for some fifteen years, there is no consensus as to its purpose and result.

Some Americans be live that Vietnam was a national police blunder costing some 58,000 American lives and billions of tax dollars. That it divided the country at a time when it most needed to be unified leaving scars that are yet to be healed. Others believe the war was a noble cause similar to the United Nations effort that kept South Korea free' (6). The Vietnam War costs thousands of American lives and when the men that did survive returned home to their friends and families a population greeted them by spitting on them and calling them names. The Vietnam Conflict was indeed a civil war between to disagreeing parts of the same race. Many would argue that we should have left them to it and minded our own business.

Once again a naive suggestion from individuals knowing little of what they speak of. During the Vietnam Conflict one side of the civil war was receiving aide from other communist countries in the pursuit of spreading communism. This was not a civil war amongst one country, it was an attack on freedom in order to increase the power of others and the United States could not sit around and let it happen. But our country failed to realize this and because of that, the Vietnam Conflict, though it was not technically a war, remains the only conflict, in our history, in which America has lost.

I refuse to believe that any American would wish to see that happen again. Nonetheless if Americans cannot stand together. If we are unable to unite behind each other we just may fail again. Presently the United States of America is at war with Iraq and once again we can see our nation divided in their opinions of said war. Though the United States military virtually beaten Saddam Hussein, small resistance forces still remember. This war is still not over.

America has not yet won and anything can happen. Whenever I turn on the television all I ever see are artists, actors, singers, performers, and other public figures of an influential social stature arguing, for all to see, over subjects they know little about. Constantly there are individuals denouncing the president, and then there are others who follow his decisions blindly. As a people we are obligated to form our own opinions.

We must not follow simply because we are told to. Likewise, we mustn't not follow simply to be contrary. War destroys towns and builds cities. It divides races and unites nations. War demolishes countries and forges empires. "There was a silly damn bird back before Christ, every few hundred years he built a pyre and burnt himself up.

[... ] But every time he burnt himself up he sprang out of the ashes, he got himself born all over again. And it looks like we " re doing the same thing, over and over... ". (Ray Bradbury). War can create as much or more than it destroys.

At the same moment a life is being taken another life is birthed. War is inevitable and once that is realized maybe then we can unite so that we may preserve that same freedom which allows us to choose whether we unite or not.