Violence On Television example essay topic

933 words
Is society's violence the media's fault? There are many controversial issues connected to the media, but recently a great deal of attention has been given to the question of whether or not violence in the media influences one's behavior. Violence is the use of one's powers to inflict mental or physical injury upon another. Violence in entertainment reaches the public by way of television, movies, plays, and novels, but I believe that television is the most influential. I chose to do this topic because I think that people do get somewhat influenced upon watching television.

I myself have also been influenced and therefore want to give my opinions about this topic. Reminiscing about my childhood, I could remember watching all the shows from the teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, to the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. Kids are always being exposed to the heroes of television or the brainless violence of Beavis and Butthead. I think the main issues that contribute to why violence on television is a controversy is how it influences children, what is being done about it, and the matter of people's right to chose what they want to watch.

What is the effect of violence in media with children compared to with adults? Children model behavior they see in the media. The way television influences children in today's society causes a major concern. If they don't see the consequences of violence, it will teach them that violence doesn't cause serious harm. Adults see more violence in the media than actually exists in real life. I think that they have to include extraordinary violence to keep the viewer.

When heroes use violence, children think that violence is an appropriate way to respond to problems. Children are younger, so they see things and apply that to their lives, because they are learning everything at that age. There is also the fact that violence on TV does not having any affect at all. People may have seen so much, that they don't really think about the actual act occurring on screen. To me, it's a new generation where kids and adults are apt to see these types of things happen. If it were 20 years ago then it would be a shock.

In this generation, its apparent to me that we know that this is a violent society. When we read about violence, it only reinforces what we know. People have become used to seeing violence on television, but this has become somewhat surreal to them. They don't think of it as reality until it happens to them. The most important aspect of violence in television is preventing it.

There are many ways in which it can be prevented, but not often are many carried out. Is censorship the answer to the problem of violent entertainment? Should we tell people what they could or can't read or watch? In my opinion I do not think people can. The First Amendment states that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise the rof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people to peaceably assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances". What would happen if the government ever did censor violent entertainment?

The limitations would not stop. The first amendment would be violated. I think that if the main concern was how it effects children, then the heat should be placed on the parents. They should be the moral figures to regulate what their children are watching and prevent it. Too much emphasis is being placed on the media in my opinion. They have the right to express whatever they wish.

It's the viewers that are promoting its success. If nobody watched it then it would not be showing on television. There have been some restrictions made regarding this issue. They " re have been rating systems made to warn the viewers about whether or not the show is too mature for younger children and a the technology of a V-chip which allows parents to program the TV to cut off shows that are not suitable for their children. I don't think people should be complaining because there are ways available to restrict kids. It just mainly depends on how well they can be enforced.

I think that there are only two ways to get rid of the violence on television if it was really necessary to do so. You could try to shame those who make the television shows into having a social conscience which could make them be less prone to create violent television shows; or you could simply solve the problem yourself by pushing the button and turning off the television. It would be too difficult to determine what is violent and what is not. By this I mean that people have different views as to what they find violent. Some people may find an angry dog chewing a small toy violent, while someone else finds decapitation is nothing to loose sleep over.

Either way I believe that violence does influence the young mind, and unfortunately there is the issue of freedom of expression. I do not believe that certain shows should be banned, but rather more of a regulation effort by the parents.