Virginia Woolf example essay topic

309 words
From a room of one,'s own / Virginia Woolf 1) How does Virginia Woolf presents the condition of women through out history, a condition that explains why we haven, t heard of Shakespeare,'s sister. Woolf describes a situation that women are hardly described in the history books. Imaginatively and in fiction the woman is of the highest importance, even though, practically in reality she is completely insignificant. Before the eighteen century nothing is known about women, however, V. Woolf doubts that women were educated, she assumes that they had no money for themselves, they were married, whether they liked it or not, at fifteen or sixteen very likely. They were locked up, bitten and flung by their own families and men in general. All that explains why we haven, t heard of Shakespeare,'s sister.

It is unthinkable for woman in Shakespeare,'s day to desire to write and publish a poem or to be recognized, moreover, to be genius. First because women were not educated, especially middle class, second, woman began working before they were out of the nursery and were forced to it by their parents and the power of law and custom. According to V. Woolf if any woman had been born with a great gift, she would certainly have gone crazed, shot herself or ended her days in some lonely cottage outside the village, half witch, half wizard, feared and mocked at. Besides it is a fact, there were no plays by woman, if a woman had tried to use her gift for poetry, she would have been hindered and tortured because men encouraged the conventions who forbidden women to express themselves and write. Nevertheless, the rest of the genius women probably chose anonymity, they unsigned their work or veiled themselves by using the name of man.