War On Mr Bush example essay topic

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"An eye for an eye makes the world go blind". Discuss in relevance to recent events. Two guys were always engaged in bitter rivalry. The cause for this rivalry - a girl. Both these guys fought against one another to get the eventually the luckier one won her heart. But the ill fortuned one didn't give up.

He mind started working as crookedly as it could. He thought of a devious scheme to dispose of his foe. He had a grandly sinister plan. One day, he set out to accomplish his plan.

The next day morning, the entire media was buzzing. The news of a person being murdered was always a cause for publicity. The murdered, not surprisingly was the lucky man. Forensic examinations revealed that he had been poisoned.

All evidence pointed towards the ill fortuned man. His motive was extremely conspicuous. He was trialed, found to be guilty, and was sentenced to capital punishment. The only one left in tears was the girl. Such is the tragic end to any story beleaguered with revenge and malice.

Nor do people learn from such stories. In this context also pertinent is the saying "An eye for an eye makes the world go blind". I pluck your one eye out and in retaliation you gouge one of mine out. I go for the second round of fire and pull out your last eye. You, overwhelmed with fury, and remove my last eye.

The end result - two blind people. I fear that that is only the surface meaning of a metaphorical quote which has so much to teach us. If one might remember, the infamous quote mentioned above was said by the venerable Mahatma Gandhi when he saw the atrocities committed during the partition in 1947. India was divided into India and Pakistan based Muslims and Hindus (The people belonging to these religions can be seen as an allusion to the 'two eyes'). The Muslims would take part in incursions into Hindu territory and cause disruption and the Hindus would also do likewise. Riots were frequent and many families were left distraught.

(The families insinuate blindness). This question over the relevance of this quote can to be seen as one of optimum importance. Not that there is an escalated level of people quibbling over one another because of jealousy and malice. One can look at the quote at two levels. One is the personal level of which I have given an example earlier on. The second is at an international level.

What appeals to me and is more pertinent in today's current affairs of the world is the latter. In today's world nothing is stable. Erratic economy is but one thing. People's corrupt mind work in perverted ways to terrorize or to reach pinnacles of power. And then there are the other few who wish to eliminate such evil. Even the superpowers such as US and Britain fail to recognize the evocative nature of Mahatma Gandhi's quote.

Not only them but also do the vast counties under dictatorship. Countries fight for material procession and also for land. Two classic examples that have arisen in the past and which still present a plethora of issues are worth noting. One of them is undoubtedly the US War in Iraq.

Mr. Bush had clearly stated that his intentions for waging a war in Iraq were to root out the Baath party and to bring an end to Saddam Hussein's regime. Also, he had a strong feeling that Iraq had alleged links with the Al - Qaeda terrorist group. He had also received intelligence that Iraq was responsible for the production of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). He has also received British intelligence that Iraq solicited for significant amounts of Uranium from the countries in Africa to advance with its nuclear program. However, deeper to these reasons, one can not also dismiss the fact that this war was about petroleum and that Mr. George W. Bush was making attempts in securing and completing what his father set out to do ten years ago. So, Mr. Bush Junior amassed all the military power he could and attacked Iraq to oust the dictatorship and crush any insurgents.

Alas! Mr. Bush has not yet succeeded. With the recent evidence showing that Iraq had no connection with any African country over the sale of Uranium, one begins to wonder whether Mr. Bush falsified statements to swing in his favor. Cynics and detractors can also draw fresh ammunition from the fact that no trace of a single WMD has been found in Iraq. What's worse? Polls recently revealed that Americans trusted pop - start Eminen's lyrics more than Mr. Bush's words.

Doesn't this all hint that the real intention is to usurp the oil supplies in Iraq? The peace keeping processes could be but an excuse not to draw to much attention. And intention it might be, but Mr. Bush is no where near to getting his hands on it. With the war declared officially over nearly 3 months, coalition troops were optimistic about a return back home. But no. As each day unfurls attacks on the coalition keep mounting as does the death toll.

Also, the cost for the war which was estimated by secretary of defense, Mr. Donald Rumsfeld, earlier at 2 billion per month has now totally 3.9 billion. The tables have been turned around and now Mr. Bush now finds the odds on him. He pulled an eye out and is having one of his pulled out now. More worrying for him is that the general elections are to be held next year and the question of whether the choice of going to war was a right one will erupt time and again.

The repercussions of this war on Mr. Bush has still not reached its zenith but is slowly becoming more conspicuous. No evidence still remains as to whether Saddam Hussein is alive or not but from what we might believe he might be having a hearty laugh at Mr. Bush. "War never has positive Outcomes". Also "An eye for an eye makes the world go blind". Mr. Bush has experienced the sincerity of this quote. Hopefully he has learnt a lesson and will be sensible enough in not waging a war with North Korea.

A better example and one which will match all the criteria for the quote is the ongoing violence between Israel and Palestine. And this heated violence is not new to anyone. For over five decades, the Palestinians have fought to reclaim back what is rightly theirs. The history goes back to a period around 1950 when Israel was proclaimed as its own country by the Jews, mainly because they felt that they were being oppressed by the Westerners. Because there were Palestinians and Israelis living in the same area and because they were of different religions but were still of Arab descent problems arose. The Palestinians were driven out the country and were compelled to live as refugees.

Hence, the PLO was formed with its main aim being the destruction of Israel and the regaining of the land that was rightfully theirs. Over half a century has passed and we are still far away from restoring peace within both communities. Headlines such as "BOY KILLED IN SUICIDE BLAST" or "THREE KILLED IN WEST BANK: THREATS POSED TO SIGNING OF NEW PEACE TREATY" have become customary but still cause great concern. Many eyes are being pulled and the world is gradually going blind. When the situation become so dire, one can not just rely on peace keepers (like Mahatma Gandhi) to bring about stability. When people contemplate about the quote and achieve a sense of self - realization and remove feelings of vengeance and malice from their minds, only then we will see an end to such atrocities.

I wonder when I will see that day and when I can feel assured that I am in a fully secure environment..