War On Russia's Ally example essay topic

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WORLD WAR ON EBY: BRANDY MISQUEZ There has always been wars, and there will always be wars. Most wars leave a huge impact on the history of that nation, especially if it involves more than one. In 1914, long-standing rivalries among European nations exploded into war. World War one, as it is now called, cost millions of lives.

Such a war, has left a deep intention on the American history. There were three very important causes of World War One; Nationalism, Militarism, and Imperialism (Davidson, Castillo, Stoff, page 570). For years, these three factor has brought tension to European nations. Then, in June of 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir t the throne of Austria-Hungry, was visiting the capital of Bosnia, and was brutally by Serbian Nationalist (Davidson, Castillo, Stoff, page 571).

This fueled the out break of World War One. On July 28, Austria-Hungry declared war on Serbia. The next day, Russia ordered its forces to mobilize. Austria-Hungary's ally, Germany called on Russia to cancel the order to mobilize. When it received no reply, Germany declared war on Russia on August 1st. (Colombia Encyclopedia, page 5).

On August 3, Germany declared war on Russia's ally, France. When German armies sliced through neutral Belgium on their march to France, Britain declared war on Germany, because Britain had promised long before that it would protect Belgium (Davidson, Castle, Stove, page 572). What had begun as a local crises in Bosnia, exploded into a major war. The war pitted the Central Powers-Germany, Austria Hungry, and The Ottoman Empire, against the Allied Powers-France, Britain, and Russia. In time, 21 other nations joined the Allies. When war broke out in Europe, the United States was determined to stay neutral to avoid being dragged into the conflict that would clearly tear apart any nation who was involved.

While neutral, the Americas supplied other countries with weapons in order to gain money. This all changed wen President Woodrow Wilson recept ed the Zimmerman Telegram. This was a telegram from Germany urging Mexico to attack the United States. In return, Germany promised that they would help Mexico win back its " lost provinces" in the American South west. President Wilson could not longer keep the peace, so he went before congress and asked for a declaration of war. On April 6 of 1917, the president signed the declaration of war.

It thrust Americans into the deadliest war the world had yet seen (Davidson, Castillo, Stoff, page 578). The first American troops reached France in June of 1917. They quickly saw the desperate situation if the Allies, they had lost millions of solders, and the troops in the trenches were exhausted and ill. Many of the civilians were near starvation. To make matters worse, Russia withdrew from the war.

With Russia out of the way, Germany could move its armies away form the Russian front and into France (Colombian Encyclopedia, page 5). In mid July, the Germans launched another drive to take Paris. They pushed the Allies back until they came up against American troops. Within tree days, the Allies had forced Germany to retreat. On September 26, 1918, more than one million solders had pushed into the Argonne Forest, At first the Americans advanced despite the heavy German fire.

Finally after 47 days of battle, the Americans broke through the German defense. They had won the Battle of Argonne Forest (Davidson, Castillo, Stoff, page 588). The cost was high on both sides, both sides had suffered more than 10,000 casualties in the battle. British, French, and Belgian forces also smashed through the German lines in their areas. By November, Germany was forced into retreat.

After four years, the war was almost over. An armistice was being arranged. Wilson had two conditions for the armistice. First, Germany must accept his plan for peace, and second, the German emperor must abdicate.

While German leaders debated a response, rebellion simmered in the ranks. Daily, Germany forces lost ground. On November 9, the German Emperor was forced to resign, he and his son fled to Holland and Germany became Republic. The new German leaders agreed to the armistice terms. At 11 a.m. on November 11, 1918- the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, World War One ended. World War one impacted the United States in many ways.

Until this time, the United States had not really been in such an huge war. It showed how the Americans could really pull together to win. It also affected the economy. During the war, the economy boosted because of the need for weapons and artillery, and for the first time, women were allowed to join the union and work in the factories.