War With Germany example essay topic

604 words
Europe became two groups of countries one called the Triple Entante, which was Britain, Russia, and France they knew that they were in a good position. And they desperately wanted to weaken Germany and stop it becoming a very powerful country. The other country that was surrounded by the triple entante was Austria-Hungary and they felt, threatened by the Russians and the nationalism of the Balkans, So they made an alliance with Germany and was called the Triple alliance. On June the 28th 1914. Gavril lo Princip who was part of a well-known terrorist group called the Black Hand, and he fired two shots at the car of Franz Ferdinand.

The first killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand and the second killed his wife, Countess Sophia. After this event Austria-Hungary was very annoyed with Serbia and blamed them for the killing of the archduke. They accused the Serbian government of helping Princip. This annoyed Serbia because it was not actually their country. It was a small group Bosnian Serbs. Austria Hungary then declared war on Serbia because they knew that German allies would stand by them.

On the 29th July the Russian army got ready to help Serbia defend itself against the Austrians. On the next day Germany had sent a threat to Russia ordering them not to help Serbia. Because Austria-Hungary didn't like Serbia this caused Germany to declare war on Russia. Germany also decided to send some of there army towards France and Belgium because they were a part of the triple entante along with Russia. On the 3rd and 4th of August Germany invaded France and was just starting to invade Belgium. But Britain ordered Germany to leave Belgium.

Germany refused to leave Belgium so Britain declared war with Germany. On the 6th August Austria-Hungary declared war on Russia, because they helped Serbia when Austria-Hungary previously declared war on Serbia. Also Austria-Hungary had had previous conflicts with Russia about the Balkans. A military plan was meticulously produced by Germany by general count Alfred von Schlieffen before the start of the war. It was a lot weaker in practice than the German's had expected because they were slowed down by fierce resistance in Belgium. The British succeeded against Germany at the Battle Of Mons and gradually pushed them back towards the east of Paris.

Meanwhile the French were able to send the Russians money to develop their army faster. Which the Germans did not expect. The Germans had to send two divisions of the army to try to stop them on the Eastern front. There was a deadlock on the Western front by the end of September 1914 because both sides dug trenches, which eventually stretched from the channel coast to the Swiss border. The war of movement was over. On the 11th of November 1918 Germany had lost the war and was stopped from trying to invade Europe.

It was nicknamed The Great War because it was the first war that had involved guns and tanks. People say that the war was an excuse for Germany to try out their new weapons and explosives. Millions of people lost their lives in the Great War and they wont be forgotten. We all have a moment of silence to remember the people that fought and died in the war, on the 11th of November every year.

World war 1 was named the war to end all wars it's a shame it didn't..