Way A Students Face Lights example essay topic

574 words
1. I have now been a teacher for 2 years and am currently teaching at Einstein middle school. 2. I knew I wanted to teach ever since I was a young girl. I would love playing with my friends, and would always pretend as if I was a teacher and my friends were students.

I even had a little blackboard that I would write on and pretend that I knew what I was saying. Eventually I grew a passion for teaching and as I grew older people would always tell me that when I explained things to them they understood better when I explained then when an actual teacher did. 3. I would advise undergraduates to always be learning new and different ways of teaching each and everyday that they wake up. The teaching world is always changing and growing. If possible try and student teach, and work with kids in different areas other than teaching.

Become a camp counselor or even become a tutor. The more time you are able to work with kids the better teaching skills you will have in the future. Like the old saying goes practice makes perfect. This is especially true in the teaching field.

4. Becoming a teacher has greatly affected my family and personal life. I am a lot more organized now. I have a lot more patience in dealing with personal issues. I even have more patience with my younger brother. I look at the world in a different light and see things that I would never have if I hadn't become a teacher.

I don't take things for granted anymore and, I know that if one tries hard enough they can accomplish things that would never seem possible. 5. There are many things I find rewarding about teaching. I find that if I had a bad night the day before, I can come into class and the children will always find a way to put a smile on my face no matter how bad I am feeling. I love the way a students face lights up when they try and understand a concept and it takes them a little while, but when they finally do, their face just looks like they can accomplish anything in their lives. That's what I find most rewarding.

6. I believe that the most challenging aspects of being a teacher these days are all the testing the kids have to go through throughout the year. It's a challenge to try and get every child to do well on the state testing when not all of the students in your class are on the same level. It puts great stress on teachers when testing season comes around. You have to make sure that every student does well, if they don't you feel as though you have failed in some way. Especially now that president bush has implemented the no child left behind program.

This program cuts funding to schools if children don't do well on the state exams. I do not believe that this is fair because some students are just not able to do well because they might have a learning disability or are just not able to learn things as fast as other students..