White Lady Her Items First And Cassie example essay topic

461 words
Tahir, HussnianApril 19, 2001 L. Arts Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry - Through Chapter 5 a. When they get their readers, Cassie and Little Man are offended because there books are very old and worn out and they have the word niggers on them when they refer to colored people. b. Mrs. Logan responds to the problem by gluing white sheets of paper onto the book user list. c. David Logan pays the mortgage on the family's land by working on the railroad. d. Mr. Morrison comes to help with the chores and help protect the family. e.

After the driver forces them off the road, the Logan children form a plan to get revenge from the bus. f. When the bus breaks an axle, the children fear that the ball might fall over and the children could possibly get hurt. g. Mary Logan visits Mr. Berry so that her children will understand to not mess with the white people. h. In Strawberry, Cassie is humiliated when she is forced to apologize to Lillian Jean. Essay Question # 1- Why does Cassie get into trouble in the mercantile? Cassie gets in trouble in the mercantile when she talks back to the shopkeeper about not being fair to them and not giving them their items.

First Mr. Lee gives a white lady her items first and Cassie can understand that so she does not say anything. But later on when she sees that he is giving a white girl her things before them even though they came first she decides that he must have forgotten about them so she goes to remind him. When he tells her to get her black self away from him she gets angry and shouts at him about being unfair. Then Mr. Lee tells her to get out of the store and not come back until her mother teaches her manners. Essay Question # 2- Why is Cassie upset about where Big Ma parks the wagon? Cassie thinks that Big Ma has not parked the wagon in the right place because not a lot of the customers will be coming there but if they parked at the field entrance there will be a larger crowd there and they would be able to sell more things.

However she does not understand much about the conflict of whites and blacks not having equal rights. Big Ma does tell her that the white people park their wagons there and the black people are supposed to park where they are. She also tells Cassie that she still has some regular customers who check to see what she has before buying something.