Whole Movie example essay topic

854 words
Discuss the architectonics and vitality in the film, "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?" Select two actors / actresses in the film and critique their portrayal of the characters they played. While making ample references to the film, discuss how the American film industry has wed it's profound influence to impact social relations in America. This movie "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" is said in many reviews to be over idealistic in that the producers and director could have made the black man in this scenario a little more ordinary. Although the film is probably one of the best movies I've ever seen as far as human emotion. There is a lot of passion in this movie, with each character standing for what he or she believes. This movie has stood the test of time, being put out in the sixties and still is available on DVD and Video.

The movie is filled with the mega-stars of that day, and was apparently the last movie in which Spencer Tracey starred. This movie to me seems to show the good in humanity instead of focusing on the "inhumanity toward humanity". As many movies do today. It is a pleasant movie to watch after being saturated with modern movies and there themes and ideas.

Spencer Tracey's character was by far my favorite in the film. Probably, because he reminded me of my own views on some things. How sometimes actions speak much louder than words. Mr. Tracey's character, Matt Drayton, is forced to put his ideals on the line and in the most personal way, in reference to his own daughter. Matt is the well respected owner of a paper, when all the sudden his daughter Joey brings home a black man and says that she wants to get married. Throughout the movie he uses his head to much and none of his heart as he constantly thinks to himself about all the trials that the couple will be faced to endure.

He continues like this until the very end of the movie after a very stirring speech by John's mother, Mrs. Prentice. She speaks of the passion of being in love and tries to remind Matt of what that was like. Mr. Tracey does a great job of portraying this man. A man who seemed to have fought his whole life for worthy causes, "publishing the truth when no one else would" but has also lived a lot and knows how hard change is. The culmination of his amazing performance was the speech he gave that summed up the whole movie. I have to admit I actually cried with Katherine Hepburn as she thought about love and passion and as she was thinking how much this man really did love her.

The best acting that I've seen in a really long time. Another performance that I really admired was that of Katherine Houghton who played Joey. Her character was what could be hoped for even in the future from the people of the United States in regard to race relations. She seems to show absolutely no hesitation in her eagerness to get married to John; while he is more aware of the trials they will face many just because of his older age. Her portrayal to me represents a new America where as John says of himself, "When I look at myself I don't see a black man, but just a man". She didn't see John as a black man but just a man, in whom she had fallen in love with.

Throughout the whole movie she portrays this sort of bubbly person that never fully seems to realize what is happening around her. A naive ness that seems so pure and so innocent. She doesn't really understand the full depth of the problem that John and her marriage will create. I believe her innocence throughout the whole of the movie. Very few people would question the fact that the American film industry has had a profound impact on social relations in America. Putting this movie out is a great example of that fact.

The movie influenced many people toward perhaps a different view of interracial relationships here in America. The movie industry had an incredible amount of influence on popular culture; sadly I think that usually it is a strong negative influence caused by violence and blatant neglect for any moral or ethical fiber in the themes that are chosen to be portrayed on movie screens across the country. This movie is a refreshing glimpse perhaps at the good that the movie industry can do toward equality. All in all, I thought this movie was extremely will acted and directed. I hope that it endures for many decades to come and becomes known as a movie not just about race relations in the United States, but also a movie the puts on display the good in humanity..