World Full Of Science And Technology example essay topic

311 words
Science is like a diamond which surpasses all the myths in the world. It is because of the science that we are what we are today. Imagine the days when the nomadic people hunt for the living. They were only for survival. Now is the world full of science and technology.

It is definately a boon to the mankind. Today man can land on the moon which was a distant dream of the past. The space craft used is like the space vehicle used in the mytholoigal story of Ramayana where in the Ramana takes sita away to his kingdom. The growth of the human being has increased and the death rate has been decreased because of the medical technology.

You can prevent a disease, cure a disease even predict that a disease will hit you. All this is possible only with the help of science. Definately it is a boon. The worl today where we are living is changing so fast in all dimensions because of the science. travelling has become so much easy from one place to other. Aeroplanes have made this happen. We can travel from one place to other in a few hours.

Today we can send mails to anywhere in the world in a few seconds. At the same time we must use this knowledge of science for good purposes. In the field of agriculture we can plough the fields in no time. Newly developed hig yield crops have been made which gives good yield. We can prevent the crops from getting damaged because of the insects.

With the increased production of the crops the poverty and hunger can be reduced. The world of entertainment has come which reduces the tension and stress at work.