Year example essay topic

492 words
I'm not about as much as you. Too much to do at the moment. And let's face it, how often do I attack people successfully? = D As for Smart-Arse-ReplieS (hereby known as SARS), they have got to be spur of the moment things. SARS have got to be in context, normally something to do with a message they sent first, because if you need to send a SAR the chances are it's to someone who deserved it for being dumb. Well, I dunno I'm turning into anyone You " re merely changing your perceptions of me based on the information you " re witnessing.

But I've no idea who Sam is. That's kind of weird. Up until, well, Monday I couldn't decide what to do at University, philosophy or psychology. Decided now I think. Problem is that I can't apply without using the school network and, well, I haven't used it for well over a year so I haven't got the fainest idea what my password for it is, 'specially since they changed it all around when the swapped to a new server last year. I'm probably gonna have to go find the technician or something.

But I know his son's been off for... well he's always off... and him and his dad are so often 'ill' at the same time. "End" Yeh that sounded pretty retarded. Well, not really, just sounded vague. You could be asking quite a few things. Q) How were you thinking of those sentences? A) I used my brain, even if I left it in a low gear.

Q) How were you getting the information from your brain to the computer? A) Dunno about you, but fingers are my prefered body part for typing. Q) What peripheral were you using to translate movement to data? A) I'm a keyboard person myself. Q) Wtf are you on!? That doesn't even make sense?

A) Yeh, uhm, ok so you " ve got me there. Gah, you " re taking the wrong approach. When you get with something like flu (or glandular fever in our year) you " re supposed to come in and infect everyone else. That's like the whole point of schools, to keep loads of young people with underdeveloped and suppressed immune systems in close proximity so that viruses can keep circulating round the developed world and live happily ever after. Maybe that's why Michael Howard's put that (wossisname, Tim Yeo?) bloke in charge of health and education in his shadow cabinet. After all they " re so closely linked.

Surely, if the guy just abolishes large schools and breaks them down into little establishments in mud huts then there " ll be no need for so many hospital beds. And hey presto, money saved..