Your Baby Needs Breast Milk example essay topic

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Is the mom going to breastfeed or bottle-feed? I must tell you that breast milk is usually best for your baby. -Each mother's breast milk is made especially for their own newborn. It contains all the Vit., Min. & iron that your baby needs (where as bottle milk has as little as 5-10% of all vs. it., min., & iron that are used by your baby.) Breast milk also continues to chg. as your baby grows to meet the changing needs of your infant, no formula is capable of such a chg. Breast milk contains protecting agents to help insure your baby's health, these agents (WBC's and) help fight DZ and INF. Advantages of Breastfeeding (Disadvantages to bottle feeding): 1) promotes bonding between mom and infant, easily and quickly digested.

2) Breastfed babies have fewer illnesses and faster recovery. The antibodies found in breast milk provide immunities that make it easier for a baby to fend off illnesses such as colds and ear infections. So not only do breastfed babies tend to get sick less often but when they do get sick, they get better faster then babies that are bottle fed. Pre-mature babies who get breast milk also have less GI problems 3) Breast milk has long term health benefits for your baby. The positive effects of breastfeeding last well beyond babyhood. Studies show that babies breastfed for the first six months are 43% less likely to become obese as children, if breastfed for more then 1 year they are 72% less likely to be overweight.

Breastfeed babies have a lower risk of HON later in life, they also have a lower risk of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea later in life. Breastfeed babies also have an average of 8 to 10 IQ points higher then bottle-fed babies. Finally breastfed babies have a lower incidence of SID's 4) Breastfeeding helps to take the pounds off after pregnancy. Producing breast milk requires 500 calories a day 5) Breastfeeding also helps benefit mom's health. Some studies indicate that breastfeeding decreases or lowers a woman's risk of pre-menopausal breast cancer. It also appears to protect against osteoporosis.

6) Breast milk is inexpensive as opposed to bottle feeding which tends to run around $1400 to $1800 a year. 7) Breastmilk is always available, there is no waiting for bottles to be made. A nursing mom never lacks the right food at the right temp in the right amount at the right time-anywhere. This is just a few advantages of breastfeeding Disadvantages of Breastfeeding (Advantages of Bottle feeding): 1) Some mom's feel tied down by the constant demands of a nursing newborn. Breastfeeding requires a substantial commitment by mom (many moms have to go right back work or separate from their babies from time to time for other reasons) In these cases a breast pump can be rented or purchased to collect breast milk so others (dad) may help feed the baby. Some moms choose to breastfeed most of the time and use bottle feeding other times.

When bottle feeding, mom's can resume a "normal" life sooner. You can dress as you please (nursing moms need to wear clothes to accommodate a nursing baby) When bottle feeding there are no restrictions to birth control methods, you don't have to watch you diet as closely, and you can have a few drinks and take aspirin without worrying 2) With breastfeeding, dads cannot participate until the 2nd to 4th week when breast milk has been established. Then dad may help out by giving the baby pumped breast milk. When bottle feeding anyone can feed the baby 3) Sometimes women may feel embarrassed or concerned about breastfeeding 4) Breastfed babies need to be fed more often then bottle fed babies (once again, a commitment by mom) 5) When breastfeeding you really don't know how much your baby is being fed as opposed to bottle feeding How you know your baby is getting enough milk: (SEE ATTACHMENT) Things to do when breastfeeding: 1) maintain a relaxed environment 2) nurse your baby frequently 3) apply warm compresses or shower before feeding your baby 4) massage your breast before nursing your baby 5) Emotional support of family members is important and can help maintain a positive breastfeeding environment for you and your baby 6) Drink plenty of water, juice, and other drinks. Avoid sodas and caffeinated drinks 7) Get some rest and relaxation every day 8) If your having problems or you have any questions contact your physician Things to do when bottle feeding: 1) Apply icepack's to your breasts for 20 minutes 2) Avoid stimulation of your breasts 3) Use medications for discomfort 4) These steps will help reduce your milk production How to breastfeed your baby: (SEE ATTACHMENT) How to bottle feed your baby correctly: (If you are able to express your own breast milk using a breast pump, for at least a while after your baby is born, then it is a good idea to do so because the breast milk contains antibodies) If not... 1) Choose the right formula - It is best to use a well known and recognized brand.

If you have any friends or family who bottle fed then try asking them 2) Equipment - you will need 5 bottles and nipples, a bottle brush, a container, and sterilizing fluid or a microwave sterilizer, or a pot to boil the baby's bottles if money is tight 3) Sterilizing - Sterilizing is of the utmost importance. It is best to sterilize your baby's bottles until he or she is at least 6 months old (new babies have little defense against germs) To prepare bottles and nipples scrub them with the bottle brush inside and out. Then use one of the 3 types of sterilization - boiling, soaking in antibacterial solution (instructions are on the packet), or microwave bottle sterilizer. Store sterilized bottles in the refrigerator.

Prepare the formula and shake thoroughly. Warm to room temp then give to baby 4) Feeding the baby - Cuddles and comfort are as important for your baby as feeding is, bottle fed baby's can bond too. Cradling your baby in your arms is the best position. Never feed the baby while he or she is laying down! Problems while Breastfeeding: 1) Sore nipples (usually during the first week) Check the latch on technique and position of the baby during feedings. You want to vary nursing positions.

You can also use OTC lubricants or express a little milk or colostrum onto your nipples before and after nursing, gently pat dry (antibacterial qualities) In most cases sore or cracked nipples are no longer painful once good positioning and latch on are achieved. 2) Breast engorgement usually occurs in 2-3 days but is usually temporary and last only 3-7 days. For treatment and prevention wear a comfortable bra to support your breasts (no under wire at this time).