Antonia Shimerda essay topics

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  • Novels As Sister Carrie And My Antonia
    855 words
    Women throughout history have found ways to fend for themselves because they were constantly being degraded. In novels such as Sister Carrie by Theodore Dresser, and My Antonia by Willa Cather, who overcame many hardships throughout their lives. Carrie Meeber, from Sister Carrie, was a poor girl who went to Chicago from the Mid West. There she found men who gave her money and slaved after her, but she soon discovered a talent from which she became wealthy and famous. Antonia Shimerda, from My An...
  • Influence Of Antonia On Jim
    1,424 words
    My Antonia Essay In everybodys life, there is always someone that has a greater influence on him or her more than anyone else would. In Willa Catchers My Antonia, Antonia Shimerda is that person in Jim Burdens life. Id have liked to have you for a sweetheart, or a wife, or my mother or my sister-anything that a woman can be to a man. The idea of you is a part of my mind; you influence my likes and dislikes, all my tastes, hundreds of times when I dont realize it. You really are a part of me. (p....
  • Antonia And Mrs Burden
    3,113 words
    MAIN THEME The main theme of My Antonia is Jim Burden's fascination with Antonia as she represents two things: first, she represents an alternative to his life as a middle-class boy. She breaks out of the boundaries of class and gender with seeming ease while he is constrained within them. Second, Antonia represents a close tie to the land. Jim loves the land, but is able to give it up for the successes of the city, while Antonia is happiest when closest to it. MINOR THEME The minor theme of the...
  • Ambrosch Shimerda Antonia's Mean Brother Marek Shimerda
    1,543 words
    Author: Willa S ibert Cather, Nebraska's most noted author was born in Virginia. At the age of ten she moved with her family to Webster County, Nebraska. Many of Cather's acquaintances and Red Cloud area scenes can be recognized in her writings. Cather wrote poetry, short stories, essays and novels, winning many awards. In 1920 she won the Pulitzer Prize for her novel One of Ours, about a Nebraska farm boy who went off to World War I. Willa Cather's reputation as one of America's finest novelist...
  • Jim And Antonia
    894 words
    My Antonia William Cather showed a great amount of information about the "old wild west" and the expansion of the United States. In My Antonia, Jim Burden told a story of his childhood, the people in his life, and the struggles he and his surroundings faced during this time. At age ten, Jim Burden was sent by his relatives to be raised by his grandparents in the Nebraska prairie after his parents died. When he arrived at his new home, he was introduced to a Bohemian family that just immigrated t...
  • Spite Of Many Hardships Antonia
    806 words
    Antonia Shimerda- Acharecter Analysis Essay, Research Antonia Shimerda- Acharecter Analysis Antonia Shimerda spends her whole life fighting, yet she is not known to be belligerent. She is constantly being battered, but still has no visible scars. Antonia is a girl who suffers all through her life, and somehow manages to keep an optimistic outlook on it. She is one of those rare people who gain character by enduring hardship, rather than gaining resentment. Throughout the book, MY ANTONIA, the st...

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