Ants essay topics

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  • Great Scientist Richard Feynman
    796 words
    I was on my way to work, when I started to read this interesting story and I don't deny that I was a little sceptical in the beginning. But the more I read, the more I wanted to know about this man and his unique ways to define Science. I finished reading it in about 15 minutes, it literally sucked me in. This is an attempt to analyze and explain to the 'audience,' what my personal point of view is regarding this great genius, great mind, great scientist Richard Feynman. Defined by his colleague...
  • Plastic Structure Of The Ant Farm
    700 words
    The Observation of Ants Introduction Myrmecology has been around since the late 18th and early 19th century. Myrmecology is derived from the Greek word Mur mek, which means ant. There are three main names that are most noteworthy: Line who produced "System ae Naturae" which he describes eighteen species of ants. Fabricius created five more genera and further described other species. Latreille was the most significant, he collected and studied the ants of Europe and described many species overloo...
  • Fire Ant Mound
    2,299 words
    Fire Ants Fire ants have been in the United States for over sixty years, and almost every American that lives in or frequently visits the quarantined states which they inhabit has had an unpleasant run in with these troublesome critters. Inhabitants of the Southeast who have ever stood unwittingly atop a fire ant mound know that the insects are aptly named. When the ants sting it creates a sensation similar to scorching caused by a hot needle touching the skin momentarily (1. Tschinkel 474). Fir...
  • Ants And Terrorists
    778 words
    Of Ants and Terrorists After several hours and extensive questioning of family and friends, I decided to write this analogy assignment on the vast similarities of ants and terrorists. I had several topics to choose from; however, I wanted to write about something that relates to our present times. There are dozens if not hundreds of similarities between these two. For example they both live in organized societies, they range in sizes from a very few to several thousands. You could also find both...
  • Movie Ants
    2,094 words
    In the movie "Antz" the ants posses very many qualities which are similar, and some the same as humans. The first quality that is similar to humans, is that the ants all try to work themselves to the top of the ant colony, this is one quality that the character Z has more then the others. Another quality that the ants have to live by which is they live, and follow instructions by one controller. The ants also posses many similar human characteristics. They also show similar emotions that us huma...
  • Analysis Of Robert Frost's Departmental
    759 words
    "Departmental" by Robert Frost is a poem written in rhymed couplets with three beats per line (trimeter). Throughout the poem, Frost uses poetic devices such as personification, allusion, rhyme, and alliteration. The poem as a whole serves as a metaphor for the way humans deal with issues like death. The poem begins with a description of a scene familiar to many, "an ant on a tablecloth... ". Then the ant bumps into a day drowsy moth that is much larger than him. The ant seems a tad bit jealous ...
  • Similar To The Way Army Ants
    908 words
    Army Ants Anthony Palmieri November 20, 1996 Contemporary Science Topics A quote made by Lewis Thomas, 'Ants are so much like human beings as to be an embarrassment. They farm fungus, raise aphids as livestock, launch armies into war, use chemical sprays to alarm and confuse enemies, and exchange information ceaselessly. They do everything but watch television. ' I am going to focus this report on the part of the quote, '... launch armies into war... ,' which sets a metaphor of ants and our armi...
  • Solomon Islands Fire Ants
    904 words
    In the following assignment I will be talking about fire ants. My assignment is mostly based up on an article wich I closed from the magasin Scientific American February 1999. In the United States, one of the most harmful pests among the ants is the red imported fire ant. The fire ant got their name from their burning stings. The fire ants are a small stinging species that was accidentally introduced from South America. These ants are a total pest because they disrupt mechanized farming, damage ...
  • Food For The Starving Ant
    414 words
    Ants are social insects that live in colonies being some of the most successful of insects. Ant colonies include one or more queens, workers, eggs, larvae and pupae. The worker ants maintain their developed structures known as "nests". Nests protect the ants against their enemies, some protection against extremes of weather, and are often placed close to water and food sources. Some ant species nest in the ground, many times under concrete or slabs. Some species will be found in wood such as fen...
  • Few Shingles And Some Light Painting
    1,084 words
    The Neverending Project I stood at my kitchen door looking across the breezeway at the outside garage wall. Planning some light remodeling work prior to selling my home I figured I would replace a few of the cedar shingles and layer on some fresh gray paint. My house is a small Cape built back in 1948 and although the previous owners updated virtually everything, they never replaced the old cedar shingles that are now worn from several cold winters and hot summers. Considering the simplicity of ...
  • Next Part Of The Ant's Body
    346 words
    There are more then 10,000 species of ants and they all share the same common traits. The traits that they share are three body sections. The body sections are the head, thorax, and abdomen. The head contains a relatively large brain. It also had the eyes, antennae, and the mandibles (which are shaped differently depending on the ant). The antennae are what an ant uses to smell, touch, taste, and detect movement. The next part of the ant's body is the thorax. This part of the body has small hole...
  • Ant Colony Government
    258 words
    In the movie? Antz, ? the producers tied many governmental issues into the story. The colony was led like a communist country, an aristocracy, and had a totalitarianism setup. Communism, for example, was a major part of the story. The government dictated the entire colony and every aspect of the ant's lives. Aristocracy was another governmental issue that was part of the movie. The Queen had the final say in all issues in the colony and she had all of the wealth. The ant colony was totalitariani...

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