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  • Colors Of The Coastline And The Water
    930 words
    Beautiful, Sunny California Warm sunny days, golden tans, beautiful sandy beaches, and bright shimmering lights of the cities at night. These are the images that came to my mind when I thought of California. As a child, I often daydreamed of living in such a wonderful place. Little did I know that the images of sunny beaches, people walking around in shorts, and gentle breezes portrayed in the advertisements of the magazines and television were not as they appeared: however, I would soon find al...
  • Jess And Leslie
    835 words
    This takes place in a small town in the 1970's. It is based on a boy named Jesse Aarons but he is called Jess. He cannot wait until fifth grade starts because he will be the fa stets runner, he even practiced all summer. He has two older sisters and two younger sisters. His older sisters never seem to do anything and are always ridiculing him. His younger sisters look up to him, mostly May Belle though. Jess's dad works in Washington ans so he is gone during the day a lot. It is up to Jess to mi...
  • Stanley's Home
    335 words
    The Adventures of Stanley Stick One beautiful yet windy day at around noon day Stanley Stick was just hanging around in his usual spot when all of a sudden it started getting very windy unlike anything he had ever seen before he tried to hold on as tight as he could but it was no use for Stanley he was blown around and around far from his home. When he awoke he was in a place he had never seen before. He saw a lot of people walking very fast around him and he got stepped on many times. Then alon...
  • Back Home
    378 words
    queen victoria was born in 1819 and's hs 4 e died in 1901. she was queen of the united kingdom and empress of india. h' a if has ais u hai ak auf ha' oas i ei f ja iago ii; to ia ao rao a oi oi at amie wop a opt ia op ap Tara Mulvihill Mulvihill 1 Mrs. StambaughEnglish 351-4th April 9, 2002 Creative Paper " The Secret Life of Tara Mulvihill" "Good morning princess", I heard a voice day in a British accent as I looked around the huge bed chambers where I found myself laying. "Where am I?" I whisp...
  • My First Trip Towards Space Exploration
    502 words
    My name is Richard Pryor and today I'm leaving for my first trip towards space exploration. This is the first time I am attempting to keep a journal and have decided to because it will be kind of like a souvenir from my travels to "the unknown". And it is also something I can show my children one day and be able to say "See this is what Daddy does, this is want goes on while flying up by the stars". I have decided to write down my experiences, my feelings, and the things I see while in space. I ...
  • Back Home
    370 words
    As I awake in the morning I listen to the birds chirping in the distance and the leaves rustling in the wind. Every few seconds there is absolute silence even peace and quiet, just the thoughts for the day going through my head. I decide to go for my morning walk, down the windy dirt road. As I walk, I enjoy the scenery; animals running through the bush and birds singing their songs from within the branches of beautiful green trees. I also enjoy the fresh air that surrounds me. The air smells of...
  • Voice And The Sound Of Feet
    886 words
    All was black, there was not a person in sight. All the excitement from the party had gone, turned to a long boring walk to that place we call home. The road looked a lot more narrower. The walls in the alleys looked like they were closing in on me. Must be the liquor kicking in. with all this alcohol inside me I'm not even sure I'm going to make it home. The moon was big and bright. It looked rather big for something so far into space. Streetlights flickering like a burning out candle. The wind...
  • Quotidian Experiences Back Home In Leicester
    328 words
    From a postcard showing the Banff Springs Hotel in the Canadian Rockies, postmarked 30th September, 1970. Found in a Cancer Research charity shop; Nottingham, England, October 2002: Mr & Mrs. G.E. Orton, 162 Kealeston Road, Leicester, England. Here I am in Vancouver having a wonderful time, I have spent 5 days with Peggy in Alberta. From here I go on to... [illegible]... and to Long Beach, Cal, to see Tom and Ann home. Tonight I am going to the C.B. C studio to see the production of a daily maga...
  • My Mother Back At Home
    400 words
    The deafening roar of metal beasts greets me every day, As the fac? try doors I open wide, Remembrin? what my mother always used to say, I slowly saddened make my way inside. I take my place along the line, as routine as can be, Retrieve my needle and my off white thread, Felling trapped, wishing to live free, While questions, ? why? , ?? what if? , ? soar through my head.? You go out there and do your stuff, ? Mom told me every morn? She smiled proudly, then she? d hug me tight.? Don? t be late...
  • Back Home
    285 words
    I went to China at 4th April, with my grandma and grandpa. That day, we got up at 7 o clock in the morning. We went on the ship at 9: 40 am. When we reached China, we saw our relation, they saw us and helped us to carry the luggage. They are very kind to us. After about 1 hour, traveled by car, we reached home, it was about 1 o clock, we were very hungry, they ve already cooked the lunch for us. After lunch, we walked around in the village. When we back home, we chatted until dinner was ready. T...
  • Back Of The Train
    1,027 words
    The Care It Takes Taking care of an elderly person can be a difficult thing to, do especially when they have a disease called Alzheimer's. According to the Encarta Encyclopedia, "Alzheimer's is a disease marked by progressive loss of mental capacity. ' This is the exact problem that the Grandfather, Michael McMahon, has in the story Grand Opening. It is not easy living with someone who has Alzheimer's. The novel shows many examples of how hard it is to live with someone with the disease and all ...

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