Barrel Of Oil essay topics

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  • Oil In The Artic
    274 words
    Skyrocketing gas prices, Middle Eastern controversy, and plans to drill for oil in the Artic, have regenerated nationwide interest in finding new ways to make the United States less dependent on fossil fuels. In Florida where there were 14.5 million motor vehicles registered in 2003 making them the third largest energy consuming state, according to the Energy Information Administration. Floridians revere their environment and loathe the possibility of drilling along its coast. "We want it but we...
  • Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Oil
    424 words
    The question of whether to drill for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge stands clearly on the energy issues table. The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is a 1.5 million-acre parcel of wilderness area bordering the Arctic Ocean to the north and the Trans-Alaska Pipeline to the south. The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is currently off limits to oil exploration and production. Because of the ecological hazards How much oil is in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge In May 2000, the Energy I...
  • Anwr To Oil Drilling
    2,537 words
    Over the last thirty years the United States has been faced with the problem of dependence on foreign countries for oil and the tight control that these exercise on the energy policies and economics of America. Many of these instances include: the oil embargo's of the 1970's, the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990, and the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in 2001. Since the 1970's, one solution offered to reduce our nation's dependence on foreign countries for oil has been opening up dri...
  • Anwr Drilling
    515 words
    REFUGE vs. ENERGY In the grand scheme of modern life, six months of gasoline to fuel the voracious appetites of our vehicles, is a drop in the bucket. We should not drill in the Alaskan Natural Wildlife Reserve (ANWR) as drilling will have no significant impact on the American economy, or its dependence on foreign oil. To take our children's' heritage away for the bottom line of a few corporations, is disgusting and simply wrong. On March 19th, the U.S. Senate, by narrow agreement, voted to open...
  • Our Dependence On Foreign Oil
    1,415 words
    At the beginning of the 20th century Teddy Roosevelt Reminded us: "Neither man nor nation can prosper unless thought is steadily taken for the future". This is especially true regarding the coming energy crisis facing our nation. If we allow our country to remain dependant on oil as it's crutch we will continue to hobble until we fall over in the mud. Depending on oil is a step back, and drilling in Alaska would simply be stepping further backward. We don't need to pillage our nations wilderness...

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