Beatles Songs essay topics

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  • Beatles Second Album
    870 words
    The world's number one rock group consisted of John Winston (Ono) Lennon (born 10/09/40 - died 12/08/80), whose middle name came from his parent's admiration of Winston Churchill, and which John changed to Ono in later years; James Paul McCartney (born 06/18/42); George Harold Harrison (born 02/25/43 - died 11/29/01); and Ringo Starr (born Richard Starkey 07/07/40). During the Beatles recording career from 1962 to 1970, they would release twenty-two singles (45 rpm) in the United Kingdom, and th...
  • Beatles Song She Loves You
    3,117 words
    The Beatles: Ringo Starr (Richard Starkey) was born in Liverpool on 7 July 1940. Drums and vocals. John Lennon was born in Liverpool on 9 October 1940. He was shot dead in New York on 8 December 1980. Rhythm guitar, keyboards, harmonica, vocals. Paul McCartney was born in Liverpool on 18 June 1942. Bass guitar, keyboards, lead guitar, drums, vocals. George Harrison was born in Liverpool on 25 February 1943. Lead guitar, sitar, keyboards, vocals. The Beatles evolved from an amateur teenage skiffl...
  • Beatles Songs
    992 words
    Beatles Music: Songs of the Counterculture The 1960's are thought of by many to be the most eventful and changing decade in the history of America. In this time period there was much excitement as well as turmoil in America caused by many factors, including the charismatic leadership of John F. Kennedy, black leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. protesting for civil rights and Malcolm X preaching black superiority and violence, Indians protesting, women petitioning for equal treatment, religion b...
  • Next U.S. Beatles Album
    2,550 words
    Probably the most popular, influential and enduring rock group of all time, the Beatles almost single-handedly reshaped rock 'n' roll from a genre of throwaway singles by faceless stars to an artistic medium with memorable images and idols. The Beatles placed the emphasis on a group, rather than a single individual, like Frank Sinatra or Elvis. They also set an example for all rock n roll bands to follow with their strong sense of self-determination, going against their record company and manage...
  • Beatles
    515 words
    The Beatles-the singer-guitarists Paul McCartney, John Lennon, and George Harrison, and the drummer Ringo Starr-have been the most influential performing group in the history of rock. Their music, hairstyle, dress, and lifestyle were imitated all over the world, resulting in a phenomenon known as Beatlemania. All four Beatles were born during the early 1940's in Liverpool, England, and dropped out of school in their teens to devote themselves to rock. Lennon and McCartney, the main songwriters o...
  • John Lennon And Paul McCartney
    1,362 words
    When people hear the name 'The Beatles' most people think of lead singer, John Lennon. However, the role of Paul McCartney is often overlooked. It was McCartney, not Lennon who was the driving force behind the Beatles. John Lennon and Paul McCartney were in many bands together before the forming of the Beatles. In 1962, along with Ringo Starr 1 and George Harrison, they formed the rock group known as 'The Beatles'. The group featured a modern rock that was new and popular during the period with ...
  • Musical Contributions The Beatles
    1,873 words
    The Beatle's Legacy... From 1960's To Now Many know The Beatles as the most popular and influential music group of the 20th century. In the early 1960's, their popularity grew rather rapidly. They continued gaining popularity well through the 1960's. Although their popularity has decreased somewhat over time, the influences they have contributed during their career have remained apparent even today. The Beatles originated from the UK in the early 1960's. Before becoming known as the "Fab Four" t...
  • Beatles The Group
    430 words
    The Beatles The group that I picked to be an example of a particular type of music is The Beatles. The Beatles included George Harrison, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, and Richard Starkey, other wise known as Ringo Starr. This group is very well known and also influenced many musicians since they formed. The Beatles started their careers in England. They were a huge success there, playing in clubs and eventually for the queen herself. After the appearance before the queen, The Beatles came to the ...
  • Joel's Father
    402 words
    William Martin Joel, born May 9, 1949, in The Bronx, NY, grew up in a comfortable Long Island suburb, Levittown, during the years following World War II. His German-born father, Howard Joel, who was imprisoned by the Nazis at Dachau during the war, moved to America after his release, to begin a new life in New York. That new life included adopting a new faith for his son -- although Joel Sr. was Jewish, young Billy was raised in a predominately Catholic neighborhood and frequently attended mass ...
  • Impact Of The Beatles Upon Popular Music
    674 words
    The Beatles were the most influential popular music group of the rock era. They affected the post-war baby boom generation of Britain, the United States and many other countries during the 1960's. Certainly they are the most popular group in rock history, with global sales exceeding 1.1 billion records. While they were originally famous for mersey beat, or what some labelled light-weight pop music which provoked complete hysteria in young women. Their later works achieved a combination of popula...
  • Best Known Beatles's Songs
    868 words
    "Abbey Road " By The Beatles Abbey Road is heralded as one of the greatest rock 'n roll albums ever. It grinds with hard rock and sways with soft guitar. The variety of the tracks provides something for everyone. It was created in 1969 at the famous Abbey Road studios. George Martin and Geoff Emerick, who had produced many other Beatles' albums, contributed to this work. This album is one of the more famous albums of the Beatles, who are one of the most popular bands ever. Almost every piece of ...
  • Paul's Accident In The Song
    4,568 words
    Paul McCartney: Six Feet Under? I read the news today, oh boy, about a lucky man who made the grade... he blew his mind out in a car. He didn't notice that the lights had changed. (the Beatles, 1967) These lyrics proved to fans that Paul McCartney had indeed died in a tragic auto accident in late 1966. Some people were skeptical about the explanation, but upon investigating the album covers and the lyrics of the Beatles's ones, the story seems to make sense. Some of the lyrics have to be a twist...
  • Last Song Before The Band
    1,162 words
    CONCERT REPORT #2 Beatles Z 320 For my second concert report I thought that I would write about my only experience hearing songs of the Beatles live. The Rib America Festival was hosted by The Beatles Live Repertoire. The group dressed exactly like the Beatles, even had the same names, John, Paul, George, and Ringo. I had never heard any Beatles songs live before, so that was enough to get me off my butt. Not to mention, it was free entertainment, not a bad time at all. So the show starts, and I...
  • November Of 1963 The Beatles
    628 words
    The Beatles to this day are one of the most famous and popular rock 'n roll groups in the world. The Beatles include George Harrison, John Lennon (1940-1980), Paul McCartney, and Richard Starkey (Ringo Starr). All of the Beatles where born and raised in Liverpool, England. John Lennon was considered the leader of the band. George Harrison was the lead guitarist. John Lennon was a songwriter, one of the two lead singers, and rhythm guitarist. Paul McCartney was a song writer, one of the two lead ...
  • Beatles Songs Titles
    968 words
    Although they may consciously avoid the comparison, today's modern rock groups certainly were in some way, big or small, influenced by the clean cut, fashion stated boys from Liverpool. The Beatles, started their musical debut in 1958. Four of the most popular educated musicians alive, taken a inevitable fondness to dressing and looking the same, had a notable impact on today's and even yesterdays society. The Beatles had accomplished so much, that as more years and musical groups went by, it wa...
  • Beatles And Beatlemania
    870 words
    BEATLEMANIA Fashion and music play a major role in influencing teenagers. Today, fashion and music are very diverse, with many different styles of dress and a variety of music. But it wasnt always like this. Bellbottom's, platform shoes, and Rock-and-Roll dominated the 1960's. And with Rock-and-Roll came the Beatles and Beatlemania. Beatlemania swept over the United States in the 1960's. The Beatles began in 1957 as teenage boys playing in cellars and drive bars in Liverpool, England, and Hambur...
  • Young Listeners The Beatles
    1,730 words
    In retrospect, the 1960's should be considered the age of youth. With America seeing it's 70 million children from the post-war baby boom becoming teenagers and young adults, society saw the conservative fifties transforming into the revolutionary sixties. The 60's ushered in new ways of thinking and real change in the cultural fabric of American life. No longer content to be images of the generation ahead of them, young people wanted change. These changes affected all aspects of American cultur...
  • Second Beatles Album
    2,155 words
    Probably the most popular, influential and enduring rock group of all time, the Beatles almost single-handedly reshaped rock 'n' roll from a genre of throwaway singles by faceless stars to an artistic medium with recognizable images and idols. The Beatles placed the emphasis on a group, rather than a single individual. They also set an example for all rock acts to follow with their strong sense of self-determination, going against their record company and management on many issues, even refusing...

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