Black Female essay topics

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  • Opposition Her Status As A Black Female
    411 words
    I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings In her novel, 'I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings'; , Maya states 'The black female is assaulted in her tender years by all those common forces of nature at the same time that she is caught in the tripartite crossfire of masculine prejudice, white illogical hate and the lack of black power'; . Fortunately Maya was able to move beyond the crossfire, proving that she overcomes opposition that her status throws her way. Being a young black girl in the 1940's was not the...
  • Black Male And Female
    520 words
    According to Karenga the elements of capitalism, racism, and sexism in our society has a put a damper of negativity on the male-female relations. More specifically the black working / lower class relationships. He continues to defend his theory by explaining the four connections. Four connections he feels strongly contributes to the down fall of black-male and female relationships. The first connection is the cash connection; this is the ideal that everyone and everything is for sale. The second...
  • Hip Hop's Top Artists
    575 words
    Is Hip-Hop Really That "Hip" The music genre defined as hip-hop, or rap, has been gaining a lot of attention over the past twenty years. In their articles, J. Victoria Sanders (Horizon), Allison Samuels, N'Gai Croal, David Gates (Newsweek), and an unknown author (Time), discuss the changing faces of hip-hop and its effects on today's society. One specific aspect of hip-hop music that all of the writers agree on is that the references to sex, violence, and the bad attitudes towards the female spe...
  • Womens Jobs
    1,524 words
    The Myth of the Golden Age In the essay "The Myth of the Golden Age" by Mary Beth Norton, Mary did not agree with historians that is was a "Golden Age" for women during the colonial period. She feels that women's lives outside the home were severely limited. Mary felt women never achieved a status later to be lost. The colonial period, even comparatively speaking, was not a golden age for women. During the colonial period most white women were expected to devote their chief energies to housekeep...
  • Examples Of Strong Black Female Playwrights
    1,062 words
    American drama in the twentieth century brought about the emergence of many female playwrights. Alice Childress, Lorraine Hansberry, and Ntozake Shange are three of America's distinguished African American female playwrights. They have contributed to the development of American Theatre and their works, with similar and different views, have inspired many female playwrights today. Before the twentieth century, there were not many opportunities for women in American theatre. Because men dominated ...
  • Definition Of A Black Woman
    319 words
    The definition of a woman is the female of the human race: the female sex or an adult female. The definition of a Black woman is one who is willing, dependent, and a survivor. Today women are known as sophisticated because they were created after man. Black woman are considered with higher power because of all the struggling and hardships that they have suffered throughout the first day of slavery until now. From years in the past, the issues of a black woman were not so important. They were onl...
  • Dr Susan McKinney
    585 words
    History 2381 Tues-Thurs Professor P Dr. Susan McKinney Born Susan Maria Smith in March of 1847, she was of mixed European, African, and Shinnecock Indian ancestry, the seventh of ten children by Sylvanus and Ann S. Smith. Both of whom were active in civic affairs and members of the Brooklyn black elite. Dr. Susan McKinney entered the New York Medical College for Women in 1867, graduating three years later as class valedictorian. She was the first black female to practice medicine in New York Sta...

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