British People essay topics

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  • Weapons The I.R. A
    1,658 words
    The I.R. A, activist or terrorist? I do not support the I.R. A, as I do not support Marxist or terrorists. The political wing of the I.R. A (Sinn Fein) is communists hiding under a nationalist stance. Gerry Adams is the man who heads the Sinn Fein; the man who replaced Martin McGuinness as the leader of the Sinn Fein. The actual I.R. A has splintered due to the communist tyranny the Sinn Fein has invoked on them. There's the real I.R. A who are nationalists and wanted the British out. The will n...
  • People Resort To War
    981 words
    "Were the American colonists justified in waging war and breaking away from Britain " The colonists were in every right, aspect and mind, not only justified but also it was about time that they stood of and actually take action against the British. The choice of going to war with them, was the only choice that they had. All diplimatical options that they had ceased to stand a chance against the tyrant Britain. From the very beginning when the colonists felt upset against their mother country and...
  • British Domination Of Africa
    582 words
    By the 1900's, Europe was already underway with its imperialistic conquests abroad. Colonies were forcefully taken and undeveloped nations were carved apart by so-called 'racial crusaders', who were on a mission to civilize the barbaric. Along with expansion, however, came abuses from the invading powers. These flaws in European dominance can easily be noted, especially when examining Africa and Asia; the consequences, in some cases, being death by the thousands. Therefore, due to these and othe...
  • British Stereotypes In America
    1,463 words
    "British Stereotypes in America" Let's face it, in The United States, we do not understand cricket, we do not understand tea, and we certainly do not understand hidden emotions. Of course there is more to Britain than these cultural icons, just like America is not just made of cowboys from "Dallas" and loud egotistic tourists. However in the year 2000, there are still several myths surrounding the British culture that are very much alive today. Many people in the U.S. and I am sure many other co...
  • Determination Of Some British People
    1,182 words
    History Coursework Britain in the age of total war 1939-1945 The statement "The impression that the British faced the blitz with courage and unity is a myth", can be argued for and against. The British people were supposed to have been showing the British "grit" but this seemed to deteriorate towards the end of the blitz. People lost interest and just wanted it to stop. The people became very distressed and started arguing amongst each other. You can see this in source D. There are two people ar...
  • Natural Rights And Liberties
    629 words
    New thinking and writings that came out of the Enlightenment period much influenced the ideology of the American colonists. Perhaps most important was John Locke and his essays on the Treatise of Government and Concerning Human Understanding. Locke argued that people had natural rights and liberties that allowed man to do whatever he wanted to do without the arbitrary or absolute power of another man. In this state of natural right, people were allotted the basic rights of life, liberty, and pro...
  • Diversity Of Different Settler Groups
    1,012 words
    Groups of people migrated to New Zealand (NZ) from 1840-1900 for different reasons. It could be argued that these groups lacked diversity in that they were mainly comprised of British immigrants. However, there was in fact diversity to a large extent, as, while there was an Imperial British identity, many differences could in fact be found within the British people, with Scottish, Irish and Welsh remaining outside of mainstream English society. This diversity was reflected in the different settl...

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