Caesar essay topics

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  • Spirit Of Caesar
    392 words
    JULIUS CAESAR: A Dead Mans Party In Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, the character of Caesar remains a active force throughout the play, even after his assassination. Caesar is such a strong presence that even after he is killed, his spirit will not rest until he is revenged. It is ironic in that Brutus wished to come by Caesars spirit, And not dismember Caesar. Caesars body was killed, but in doing so, his spirit was unleashed, which causes more disaster than a living Caesar ever would have. Antony...
  • Caesar's Government
    837 words
    In William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, Caesar was elected ruler for fear of instability and killed for fear of tyranny. The citizens of Rome are timorous about having an unstable government because they don't want war and fighting within their country. But a fully stable government can and must be run by only one person, because no matter how well two people get along, they will always have disagreements. Therefore, if tyranny is reached, one person has all the power and cannot be controlled. T...
  • Wife Of Caesar
    563 words
    In Act Two of Julius Caesar, the reader was introduced to the characters of Portia and Calpurnia. They were similar in many ways. Portia was the wife of Brutus. She noticed that there was something the matter with Brutus when he uncharacteristically awoke very early in the morning. She asked him what was bothering him but her question was only answered by a glare. She continued her questioning and insisted that he tell her what was troubling him. He told her that he was only feeling ill and that...
  • Un Pleasant Relationship With Brutus
    359 words
    In the theatrical work of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, the wives of key characters play a small but extraordinarily significant role. Female characters such as Portia the wife of Brutus, and Calpurnia wife of Julius Caesar, offer readers or viewers insight into the characters of their mates. Each wife shows different aspects of their companion. Portia, wife of Brutus reveals a ghostly side. Portia's character reveals an un-pleasant relationship with Brutus. They have nothing in common, ...
  • Word Love
    918 words
    The word love has thousands of meaning but in the end it can mean only one thing. Now over the years the word love had totally lost it's meaning, but that's not important to this essay. We are looking back at a time when love was a word that you didn't throw around. When love still had meaning. When togas were still in style. The word love is repeated in many forms throughout the play Julius Caesar. Unlike the way that we use it today, this word had different meanings. Someone saying it did not ...
  • Pompey And Crassus
    837 words
    Pompey The Great Pompey was a Roman general and political leader. He was a member of the first Triumvirate with Julius Caesar and Marcus Crassus, but later became Caesar's enemy. Pompey was born September 30,106 B.C. His first important military experiences were in the Social war during which his father Pompei us Strabo, taught Pompey his military skills. Pompey distinguished himself in the civil war between Lucien Sulla and Gaius Marius. Pompey raised his own army inPicenum. He did such a good ...
  • Important Aspect Of Blood Revenge
    752 words
    'Et tu Brute?' ; Caesar sputtered before falling into the darkness known as death. But this was not the end of Caesar however. Caesar returns to this world as a 'shade'; or ghost form. In fact, in this form he exerts more influence over Brutus than he ever did in mortal form. 'Caesar is more powerful in his spirit for to affect Brutus than in his mortal form. It is in this ghost form, Caesar full-fills his revenge on Brutus. ' ; (net essays. net) Revenge did not occur in the ancient world only i...
  • Caesar's Conquest Of Gaul
    2,293 words
    Caesar's Conquest of Gaul Gaius Julius Caesar, born 100 B.C.E. in Rome to the impoverished patrician Julian Clan, knew controversy at an early age. Nephew to Populare Gaius Marius, he was earmarked by the Optimates dictator Sulla for proscription after his refusal to divorce his Populare wife, C inna. Fleeing Rome, and not returning until after Sulla's resignation in 78 B.C. E, upon his return he gained a position as a pontificate, an important Roman priesthood. Slowly but surely throughout his ...
  • Caesar's Friendship With Brutus
    708 words
    Friendship has been around through out history. Caesar and Brutus, Caesar and Marc Antony have all had great friendships, but there are hard times when they disagree just like how Maggie and Rebecca were. They were the best of friends, almost family until one fight got in the way of their friendship. You can be best friends or even family and still have confrontations that you don't enjoy, As with Caesar and Brutus, or Maggie and Rebecca. Perhaps the strongest friendship in the play was Caesar a...
  • Caesar's Arrogant Thoughts
    575 words
    The Tragedy of Julius Caesar does not focus on Caesar. Although the plot of the story revolves around him, the focus of the story is on his lover, Marcus Brutus. Because of this, Caesar's character remains an enigma. He envisions himself as an invincible god, however Shakespeare portrays Caesar as a common man with many weaknesses. "The gods do this in shame of cowardice. Caesar should be a beast without a heart if he should stay at home today for fear. No, Caesar shall not. Danger knows full we...
  • Later Cassius And Brutus's Mistrust
    410 words
    Stumbling and dripping blood from gashes of not only the flesh but of the soul Caesar makes his way towards his friend. Then the tear into Caesar most unkindly of all comes from Brutus. As Brutus hacked at his friend the thought most probably farthest from his mind was loyalty. Most people have to face the moral ramification of loyalty, betrayal, and mistrust. When you stand by a friend threw thick and thin you are being loyal. Loyalty is one of those tricky things in life. Staying loyal to a fr...
  • Decius Gains Respect For Caesar
    588 words
    The Sacrilege: Caesar A Political Mastermind Throughout the book 'The Sacrilege,' Caesar evolved from a political nothing, to a political mastermind. It is easy to see his progress through the eyes of a character by the name of Decius. He helps use to realize that Caesar wanted three main things in this scheme. He desired money, some military men, and finally a consulship. To get what he wanted, Caesar had to be smart, powerful, and a little sneaky. Decius changes his views on how he views Caesa...
  • Important By Caesar
    1,146 words
    Caesar had several motives for establishing his reforms. They varied from increasing the stability of the Roman Government, to furthering his own ambitions. His reforms were wide ranging, and covered areas dealing with the provinces, administration, the economy, and public works. The colonies and provinces were a major focus of Caesar's legislation. The provinces were increased in their status, and were made more important. In 49 BC, Caesar enfranchised the province of Transpadane Gaul, and the ...
  • Caesar To The Meeting
    421 words
    There have been many great leaders in our history, one of who is Julius Caesar. Julius Caesar was born a leader and died a leader. From his uprising triumphs, which he had many of, to his tragic down fall. A reason for his down fall was that he was too ambitious. Another reason for his demise is the be tral of his so-called best friend Brutus. Envy and jealously which also was a factor of Caesars death. He was a brave man and he cared about what the society thought of him. He doesnt like to be t...
  • Caesars Enemies
    869 words
    Caesar the Politician Caesar Ronald Syme, the author of the assigned passage, is one of the leading ancient historians of the present. He was an Oxford professor, and wrote the Roman Revolution in the late 1930's. To Syme, one-person rule was not appealing to him. He lived in a time of WWII, and leaders like Hitler. By the time Syme began to write, there was much more research on the dismal side of Caesars monarchy than earlier authors, such as Theodor Mommsen had. Syme argues that in the Roman ...
  • Caesar And Pompeius
    1,434 words
    Julius Caesar is one of the famous personalities in world history. It was Caesar who ended the Roman republic and paved the way for the later Roman emperors. Although there is a lot written about him, there was always debate if he was a hero or a villain. But for many people, including myself, Caesar is an interesting person. I will give the facts of his remarkable life and leave you to decide if he was a hero or tyrant. When Caesar was a young boy he had to escape the wrath of the dictator Sull...
  • Caesar's Leadership Image
    659 words
    Image is everything dealing with a country's leader. When one can boast the title of a great general, triumvirate, and the precursor of the imperial system in the Roman government, a leadership image is quick to follow. Campaigning into foreign lands was a big issue for Caesar. In order to procure more grandeur for the Imperialistic lands of Rome, Caesar's main duty as a conquering general was to establish more Roman colonies. In the case of the Gallic Wars, this meant direct invasion into the C...
  • Advantage Of Caesar's Death
    361 words
    One of William Shakespeare's most well known plays is Julius Ceasar. This is the story based on the beggining of the Roman Empire, opens with conflict, the plebeians versus the tribune. first the leader, Julius Ceasar is killed. Caesar's loyal friend, Mark Anthony and bodyguard, has a split personality. In one way, he is sad by the death of his close friend but on the other hand he is clever and slick and takes advantage of Caesar's death. He reveals his clever personality while he is giving his...
  • Brutus Love To Caesar
    434 words
    488 Featured Papers Modernism Direct Essays. com - Over 101,000 essays, term papers and book reports available for direct access! The Evolution fo Renaissance Art Direct Essays. com - Over 101,000 essays, term papers and book reports available for direct access! History of Finland Direct Essays. com - Over 101,000 essays, term papers and book reports available for direct access! Aesthetics of photography Direct Essays. com - Over 101,000 essays, Romans, countrymen, and lovers! hear me for my cau...
  • Caesar's Funeral
    281 words
    Antony's Speech Translated PeopleAntonys Speech Translated Essay, Research Paper People of the crowd listen as I speak. I am here not to compliment Caesar, but to attend his funeral. When a man dies the wrong doings he has committed remain, But the good deeds are often never remembered. This very thing has happened with Caesar. The grand Brutus Has told the people that Caesar was ambitious. If this was true, it was a regrettable shortcoming on Caesar's part. And his ambition is what got him kill...

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