Cannabis Use essay topics

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  • Psychological Effects Of Cannabis Use
    1,550 words
    e Health Effects of Marijuana on Humans Tim Murphy Introduction Marijuana has been used as a drug since the beginning of time, yet there are still many mysteries about its health effects on humans. Marijuana, or cannabis sativa, is a preparation of the crushed flowers and buds of female hemp plant. The existence of the plant has been reported as early as 1500-1200 BC. in China, and cannabis has been described as an analgesic as early as 200 AD. Since then, an overwhelming number of studies have ...
  • Marijuana Use And Heroin Use
    948 words
    Kevin Feb. 28, 2001 English 1010 Mr. Wentz Marijuana Legal or Illegal Cannabis, sold as marijuana, hashish and hash oil, is the most frequently used illicit drug in Canada. Roughly one in four Canadian adults report having used cannabis at some time in their lives. Cannabis use has been on the rise among young people. "For example, a 1997 Addiction Research Foundation survey found that 25 per cent of Ontario junior high school students used cannabis in the previous year, up from 13 per cent in 1...
  • Heavy Use Of Cannabis
    879 words
    The effect of drugs can be harmful to the body. They can damage nerves that are used for thinking. According to the 'Nation Institutes of Health' (NIH), cannabis is one of the most popular used drugs in America ranking third after tobacco and alcohol. Marijuana (the most common form used in America), is made of the dried leaves and flowers of the female cannabis sativa plant, and looks like oregano. It is usually smoked in a pipe or in hand-rolled cigarettes. Hashish (hash) is a dried-caked resi...
  • Use Cannabis
    6,040 words
    TO SMOKE OR NOT TO SMOKE; A CANNABIS ODYSSEY By Lester Grin spoon MDE very age has its peculiar folly and if Charles Mackay, the author of the 19th century classic, Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds were alive today he would surely see ' as a popular delusion along with the 'tulip mania' and 'witch hunts' of earlier ages. I believe that we are now at the cusp of this particular popular delusion which to date has been responsible for the arrest of over twelve million US ci...
  • Medical Properties Of Cannabis
    857 words
    These are some of the reasons that prohibition is a failure. When we realize that prohibition is a failure we can move on to more and better uses of cannabis. Abraham Lincoln once said this famous quote "Prohibition will work great injury to the cause o temperance... for it goes beyond the bounds of reasons In that it attempts to control a mans appetite by legislation and makes a crime out of things that are not crimes. A prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles that our government ...
  • Production Of Cannabis For Paper
    521 words
    Legalization Dont you think that cannabis should be made legal Well it is my opinion that Cannabis should be made legal. It is also my opinion that Cannabis is the one and only replacement for tobacco as a cash crop. It is undeniable that Cannabis is a great and wonderful way to make life better for all of mankind. The undeniable fact remains that Cannabis is probably the single most versatile and beneficial agricultural product known to man. It's direct applications and by-product effects on th...
  • Effects Of Cannabis
    546 words
    Think of the word cannabis. What immediately comes into your mind? Druggies out on the streets, totally out of it and swaggering around like drunks? Many people are under these false images. Cannabis users are classed as the lowest of the low, drug abusers and criminals. Well, here is the truth about Cannabis. It is also known as Marijuana, Dope, Grass, Ganja, Weed, Puff, Gear, and Hash, is a Class B drug. This means if you are found in possession or found to be involved in supplying it you can ...
  • Cannabis Legal The Percentage Of Students
    502 words
    Cannabis Why to decriminalize cannabis? more and more people are using it, so there is no point to control something that is uncontrollable it is as dangerous and sometimes with even with less consequences then alcohol and tobacco it is better to give a person a ticket for possession rather then destroying their life by sending them to jail pure cannabis is not proven to be addictive or harmful to a person, they just have more tar then cigarettes Why to have cannabis illegal? in 1999 29% of stud...
  • Use Of Marijuana
    2,033 words
    Marijuana In this report I will show you my views on Marijuana, if it should be legal, for medical and / or recreational purposes. Marijuana has many names: Dope, Marihuana, Ganja, Pot Mary Jane, Cannabis Sativa (Scientific) to name a few. Marijuana originated in the middle east (Taiwan, Korea). China plays an important part in Marijuana's history. Hoa tho, the first chinese physician to use Cannabis for medical purposes as a painkiller and anesthetic for surgery. In the Ninth Century B.C., it w...
  • Trivial Drug Like Cannabis
    682 words
    Should cannabis be legalized? While it would be nice to think that the current drug laws are working, you only have to go into a school to find that this is emphatically not the case. Clearly, despite the money spend on keeping Britain clear of drugs, only a fraction of imports are ever uncovered, and something has to change. The case for legalizing cannabis can be based around two arguments. First off is the obvious argument, and that it is impossible to stop people from importing cannabis ille...
  • Influence Of The Drug
    293 words
    Cannabis Should it be Legal or Not? The debate of legalizing cannabis is a social debate which every individual has his / her own opinion, Who is right? The outcome of this couldn't possibly please everyone. Below are the most common arguements for both sides for legalizing cannabis. AGAINST Some of the most popular arguements against legalizing cannabis are that people under the influence of the drug act out of order and it is a doorway drug to harsher more dangerous drug use. Also crime rates ...
  • Link Cannabis To Lung Cancer
    938 words
    Cannabis We hear conflicting views about cannabis everyday. The government has plans to relax the laws on cannabis possession. It has been convinced by several expert bodies that there is nothing to be gained from exaggerating the harm of cannabis, so it looks set to be downgraded from a class B to class C drug. That means if anyone is found using it they are likely to escape with a caution instead of being prosecuted. However growing or supplying cannabis could still mean a prison sentence. Dep...

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