Career In Computers essay topics

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  • Hope For My Future And My Career
    450 words
    English Essay # 5 I believe that a career or profession should be chosen with great care and that it should not be taken lightly. A career or profession should be something that you enjoy doing because you will be doing it for many years to come. So I took time and care when deciding what I wanted to do for the rest of my working career. The reason I chose to be a We Administrator is because I enjoy spending time on the Internet and thats where everything is happening and changing from day to da...
  • Things About The Job
    418 words
    Science - Computer science Computer Aided Drafting I have chosen computer aided drafting as my career, and by the year 2000 I hope to be working as a CAD operator. Some major concerns about choosing computer aided drafting as my career are: why I chose this career, the advantages, disadvantages, and the many statistics such as the average income. I chose computer aided drafting (or CAD) as my career because of many things. One reason I chose this job is because my father works with CAD, and I kn...
  • Opportunities In Healthcare And Computers
    1,821 words
    Abstract My career choices have changed through the years from mother and housewife through architect, accountant, or teacher, finally I have arrived at a computer career. The following is an idea of the path I have followed. What I want to be When I Grow UpComing to the point of my current career choice has been a long road. My idea of what a career is or should be has changed with circumstances and age. According to Weintraub (2005), "the average worker spends only four years in a job and will...
  • Jobs In The Computer Field
    996 words
    Career Goals Over the past few decades, people have drastically changed the way they choose their career. Times have changed a great deal, and people no longer feel forced into a certain profession. People are now given endless choices and possibilities, and it is up to them to decide what they want to do the rest of their lives. When facing these important decisions, it is very easy to become confused. I once was very uncertain about any career goals I may have had, but now, I am more sure of t...
  • Basic Computer Literacy
    742 words
    Computer Illiteracy There is a problem out there that haunts many troubled souls in our society. It is powerful. It can strip the pimple-faced class whiz of all his sickening pride. It can make the intelligent person feel like a complete idiot. It can make the confident doubt themselves. To those who have this problem, it seeks to make their lives a living hell. This beast is called computer illiteracy. The problems arising from computer literacy are becoming more evident as colleges and compani...
  • Employment Rate For The Computer Specialist
    580 words
    A Career as an Computer Specialist A computer specialist has always interested me. Many times I would dream for hours about this profession. They make extremely well pay, have good yet sometimes stressful working conditions, have an excellent education, the employment rate is expected to raise to record breaking heights., and have a promising job outlook There is more demand for a computer specialist now than ever because of the fact that everything is being computerized. To me though, the most ...
  • Computer Science
    572 words
    Today, computers are used in almost every aspect of our lives: in car engines, microwave ovens, video games, watches, telephones, desktops at home and work, mainframe computers in government and industry, and supercomputers expanding the frontiers of science and technology. The computer industry is one of the fastest growing segments of our economy and that growth promises to continue well into the next century. To maintain a competitive edge, industry and commerce must continue to make creative...
  • Computer Engineering Career
    2,624 words
    Are dinosaurs extinct or do they still exist today? Paleontologists, archeologists, scientist, almost everyone agrees that they are gone. All that is left are the remains lying uselessly in the dirt of the earth. However, there is proof that dinosaurs are still in existence today. Take, for example, the numerous old geezers who have been draining social security for over thirty or forty years. They are sill roaming the earth. There are still households where Frank San atra records are played on ...

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