Cars And Houses essay topics

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  • Live From Their Car
    878 words
    'What it was like to be poor, unemployed and homeless in 1930's USA. ' For an American to go without food for more than a day to us seems unimaginable. The country that so many see as the world leader today, has not always been as strong though. Less than 70 years ago many poor, homeless and unemployed Americans were starving to death. What they went through could be compared to some of the less well off nations today. To begin to understand the plight of the poor, homeless and unemployed Americ...
  • 150 00 Car Payments
    6,458 words
    When it comes the time to find a car to drive or a place to live, how do you decide whether to lease or to finance? Chances are most people tend to investigate what the monthly payments would be and choose whichever is cheaper. But do you ever stop to think of all the things that should be a part of your decision? Did you know there are websites out there to help you determine how much you can afford? What your monthly payment would be? There is a lot of information available to you to help make...
  • Mr Callagan And Muriella
    412 words
    A BMW 278 DIn the morning of October 29, a BMW 278 D was found in the ditch of a roundabout near St. Paul. There was a dead teenager in the rears eat but the driver had disappeared. Mr Callagan was an egocentric and evil man but he loved two things in the world, his BMW 278 D and his Muriella. The car was a red open tourer with a black hood that he polished every Sunday morning. His was seventeen at that time and although she was always hanging around with her horrible boyfriend Mark, he loved h...
  • Bolt Of Lightning
    1,144 words
    I. Introduction Lighting is a great mystery to many. Many do not know the origin of lightning bolts nor their true strength. Lightning bolts are produced from opposite fields interacting. This can result in dangerous bolts that can have devastating results. The bolts have the capacity to injure many things, including appliances, people, forest, etc. However, although these bolts can have dangerous affects, there are prevention techniques for lightening. These procedures can protect you, loved on...
  • Back Window Of The Car
    814 words
    "What happened" my cousin screamed at me as she came running out the door. While she was yelling at me as I sat there and wondered to myself those same words. Those were the thoughts and words that ran to my head, and were said to me one Saturday afternoon when I wrecked my uncles car into my deck at my old house I was 11 years old entering the 4th grade. All I wanted to do was play kickball. It was nagging at me like a sore tooth. My parents were out to dinner with my uncle and my cousin was ba...
  • Jenna
    603 words
    Head Games by: Christopher Golden "They were my friends. I've known them almost my entire life. Maybe they both just lost it. But I think something's going on here, and I have to take a closer look". Jenna Blake was having a hard time not being with her friends and her boyfriend from college, for she was on Christmas Break and it kept them apart. She couldn't possibly deal with the weird happenings that would surface over the next two days, but maybe what she learned with Slick, the medical exam...
  • Way To The Tree Beneath The Window
    523 words
    There was nothing particularly special or interesting about the house (besides the fact that it was two-hundred and fifty years old), but after many weeks of deliberating I decided to go for it. It was a warm spring evening, and the moon was beginning to come out. I made my way around the side of the house and all the way to the tree beneath the window which would lead me in. Like a snake, a slithered my way up the tree. To my delight I found the window wide open. I put one foot in and then the ...
  • House Without My Mom
    2,316 words
    Screaming at the Perception of Death I definitely will always remember this cold and rainy night as if I was just waking from the night before. We were young then and had no idea what this life had to offer us. It was careless and at the time I could have cared less... my whole world could have come crashing down at this one moment with one smash, one swerve or one scream and I could have cared less... we were on so many drugs and so many highs we couldn't have cared about things like life, love...
  • Eric And Anna
    3,033 words
    Creative Writing My boredom lingered on despair as I sit at home alone wondering what my friends are doing at school. I wouldn't be in this situation if I would have stayed out of trouble. My antics got me suspended from school, and enough trouble with the law that they had me on house arrest. I could not talk to my friends and I couldn't go anywhere either. My thoughts start to stray towards Lisa. Lisa is a petite blonde that amazes me with her intelligence. I find myself thinking about her mor...
  • Tamara's Car
    1,025 words
    A Night to Remember The most traumatic experience I've ever gone through was getting held up by three Mexicans. In some ways I regret my actions. If I had it my way, I would go back and handle myself a lot differently. Luckily, this situation now makes me think more when I'm in other tense situations. It all started Halloween night 2001 in Dallas, Texas. My girlfriend, Tamara and I were driving from her house to mine for the night. It was about a thirty-minute drive and somewhere along the way w...
  • Back Into My Car
    1,852 words
    Midget Village One Saturday night, I left the house to go to a friend's house, and the last words that came out of my parent's mouth was to be careful. That statement went in one ear and out the other. People never think that anything would ever happen to them because they take their safety for granted. I told them that I am always careful and I'll be home soon, so I left. I started up my car and fished around in my back seat for my CD case so I wouldn't be bored for the twenty-minute ride to my...
  • Car
    482 words
    Kris Sc haus Narrative / Descriptive Essay The Double Nightmare There I was, driving southbound on Hoover Rd. in the brown 1974 Ford Grand Torri o Elite my parents had bought me for my last birthday. I had only had this gigantic, steel car for about ten months. I was in love with every inch of the car, from its tan mint condition interior to its flawless, dark brown, glossy body. Usually when I would drive it would seem as if I were in heaven; just floating along down the road. Today however was...

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