Censorship Of The Internet essay topics

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  • Free Expression On The Internet
    1,179 words
    Who Is Free To Choose The Internet started out as a tool for transmitting information to learn and study. Free expression on the Internet is one of the things that makes the Internet so great. People can get information on a subject from many different areas. This gives the chance for people to see an issue form other points of view. The Internet has developed into a vast medium of knowledge with many users contributing to its growth. With the growth of the Internet, many people have seen it as ...
  • Censorship Of The Internet
    1,280 words
    Censorship of the Internet and the Tyranny of Our Government "To curtail free expression strikes twice at intellectual freedom, for whoever deprives another of the right to state unpopular views also deprives others of the right to listen to those views", said Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr (Censorship and the U.S. Government 1). I completely agree with Mr. Holmes, and when the question of censoring the Internet arises, I cringe. Governing the Internet dominates many debates, censorship leading the f...
  • Links To Lots Of Sites
    233 words
    Are you sick of writing pointless reports for school? We all are! On this page you will find links to lots of sites where you can get pre-written reports! Of course, the sites these links will take you to are FREE sites. If you " re going to pay to get something like that off the internet, YOU " RE LOOKING IN THE WRONG PLACE! Other People's Papers- This is a very nice website that I've visited several times. It has over 1,000 reports or something along those lines. School Sucks- 'Download your w...
  • Censorship Of The Internet
    1,295 words
    Thesis: Censorship of the Internet, because it limits free speech and economic freedom, is unconstitutional Although the Internet was created in the 1960's as a communications tool for the U.S. military to withstand a severe nuclear war and still be operable, until the government opened it up to public use in the late 1980's. The Internet became a unique communications phenomenon. Nobody could predict the speed which people all over connected the world on to this new form of technological commun...
  • Indecent Materials On The Internet
    1,485 words
    Should the Internet Be Censored or Screened to Protect Users Right now hundreds of thousands of people have just sat down in front of a computer. After brief negotiation of something called a mouse, these same people will be transported into a realm of virtually unlimited possibilities. Beep... beep... pulse... waiting almost there, wham! connection. To clarify, this is not a transcription of the latest episode on the Sci-fi channel, rather, this description friends, encompasses the Internet. Wh...
  • Internet And Indecent Material
    904 words
    I believe that the Internet is a good source of information on a wide variety of subjects. I have personally used the Internet for a year now and have found it very useful for helping me with my school work as well as being very entertaining. However I have been deterred by some of the information that is easily accessible and that anyone could look at such as, detailed instructions on how to make harmful or fatal explosives and illegal pornographic material. Growing concern about the availabili...
  • Standard Form Of Communication On The Internet
    2,096 words
    Internet Censorship For centuries governments have tried to regular materials deemed inappropriate or offensive. The history of western censorship was said to have begun when Socrates was accused 'firstly, of denying the gods recognized by the State and introducing new divinities, and secondly of corrupting the young. ' Hew as sentenced to death for these crimes. Many modern governments are attempting to control access to the Internet. They are passing regulations that restrict the freedom peopl...
  • Internet Materials
    4,111 words
    Government Censorship would damage the atmosphere of the freedom to express ideas on the Internet; therefore, government should not encourage censorship Thesis: Government Censorship would damage the atmosphere of the freedom to express ideas on the Internet; therefore, government should not encourage censorship. Introduction I. In the Internet community, there is a large volume of technical terms. For this reason, it is first necessary to examine the terminology specific to Internet. 1. The int...
  • Internet Access Controls Without Censorship
    833 words
    Freedom By definition, censorship is the suppression of words, images, or ideas that are "offensive", it happens whenever some people succeed in imposing their personal, political, or moral values on others. Internet censorship is a controversial issue that requires careful thought in order to have a well-formed opinion. It has become a hot topic in the Media and countries that are currently seeking this type of censorship. Many believe censoring the Internet is a violation of our rights. Perhap...
  • Issue Of Censorship Of The Internet
    823 words
    Censorship and the Internet The Internet is the fastest growing and largest tool for mass communication and information distribution in the world. People use the Internet for communication, expressing their opinions, or obtaining unlimited information access. Nowadays, the issue of wether is it necessary to have censorship on the Internet is being argued all over the world. Censoring the Internet can protect children from strangers, filter unpleasant material and prevent young people imitating n...
  • Form Of Censorship On The Internet
    1,989 words
    Internet Censorship In writing this essay I aim to give an insight into one of, if not the most important issue on the Internet today, that of censorship. I will first give a brief outline as to how the Internet came about and how it works, as this is needed to understand how the Internet can or cannot be censored. I will also give reasons why governments and individuals want to censor the Internet, attempts that have been made, and why people are opposed to these attempts at censorship. Lastly ...
  • Censorship Issue On The Net
    961 words
    Censorship on the Internet Five years after the first world wide web was launched at the end of 1991, The Internet has become very popular in the United States. Although President Clinton already signed the 1996 Telecommunication ActI on Thursday Feb 8, 1996, the censorship issue on the net still remains unresolved. In fact, censorship in cyberspace is unconscionable and impossible. Trying to censor the Internet its problematic because the net is an international issue, there is no standard for ...
  • Access To Some Specified Internet Sites
    1,575 words
    It was once for casted that computers in the future would weigh no more than 1.5 tons. Of course, in todays technologically savvy times, its a common occurrence to see people holding their computers in their lap, or even in their hand. Theres no doubt about it: the computer already plays an important role in our lives and that role is likely to expand as more advancements are made. However, new innovations mean new controversies. The Internet, for example, has transformed the way people communic...
  • My Idea On Censorship Of The Internet
    982 words
    The Internet has developed into a vast basin of knowledge with many users contributing to its growth. With the growth of the Internet, many people have seen is as a source to express one's ideas to the public. Some would even view the Internet as a virtual community, and say it is a democracy. People argue that with such free will, the Internet should be censored to protect children from pornography. However, there's a bigger issue at hand than pornography. There are people who do not live under...
  • Internet Through A Computer
    952 words
    Internet Argument Paper: Censorship and the Internet Unless you " ve been living in a cave for the past couple of years you have no doubt heard about the internet, thousands of computers all over the world linked together with libraries of information and the ability to exchange messages with people all over the world. You can find almost anything you would want on the internet- books, essays, games, news, pictures, etc. - placed there by other users. The information is loosely organized, and, o...
  • Issue Of Internet Censorship
    1,000 words
    Nowadays, Internet is commonly regarded as the most widely used source and the fastest way to exchange information and knowledge all over the world. However, the freedom and democracy on Internet, being one of its greatest beauties and drawing features, is apparently abused by the population online. Pornography and hate literature are commonly used to lure Internet surfers! attention and to generate profits. Representing the rights of the public and the power of a country while owning and operat...
  • Censorship Of The Internet
    863 words
    Censorship is a word that breeds strong emotions in many people. Whether it is associated with speech, fashion, or the access to information. Censorship has been around since before the time of the bible. It has caused wars and revolutions. Censorship has always been a staple of Dictatorship and Totalitarian governments. These types of governments thrive off censorship because it gives them power to control, restrain, and limit what people hear, read, see, and speak. Since the beginning of mass ...
  • Censorship Of The Internet In Congress
    706 words
    Internet Censorship It has been two-hundred and nine years since the Bill of Rights was ratified. I doubt that our Founding Fathers ever imagined the changes that would come over our country. Although the Constitution has held up through the years, it cannot be argued that in the last fifty years especially, issues come up daily that seem to test the strength and integrity of our sacred Constitution. The Internet, for example, has caused more controversy than anything we have ever seen. The bigg...
  • Singapore's Current Censorship Regime
    3,757 words
    Technology and censorship are often seen as opposing forces in the information age. This tension is exemplified by the case of Singapore, which wants to harness new technologies for development while having censorship controls in place. This paper looks at how Singapore is going about censorship of the Internet. It is part of a larger study into how Singapore proposes to censor without losing the advantages of new technologies. The paper begins by noting that censorship in Singapore is justified...
  • Censorship On The Internet At The Library
    635 words
    Censorship is a way of life, we need to stop this and live free. Outline the arguments on censorship presented by various groups. The two groups on censorship are those that are for it and those that are against it. Those who support censorship believe that Canadians and especially young people need to be protected from all sexual matters, scenes of violence and foul language. Feminist groups that are for censorship disagree with all forms of material that exploit women and children sexually. Gr...

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