Character Of Raskolnikov essay topics

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  • Theoretical Voice Of Raskolnikov's Personality
    926 words
    In the novel Crime and Punishment, by Fyodor Dostoevsky, suffering is an integral part of every character's role. Dostoevsky uses comic characters as instruments for competing ideological issues. A typical example is the loquacious bar room character Marmeladov, an alcoholic with an ironic abstract side to his personality. Through his behavior, Marmeladov draws the reader's attention to questions about environmental and psychological influence and theology and specifically, the conflict between ...
  • Svidrigailov's Moral Degradation
    886 words
    The Websters Dictionary defines degradation as a fall from higher to lower rank or degree (Websters, 205). Fyodor Dostoyevsky illustrates degradation of morals for several characters in Crime and Punishment. He links the quality of money or lack thereof to the their moral degradation to design complex characters. Dostoyevsky draws a picture of society that is similar to the society depicted in Victor Hugo's Les Miserables. The poor become greedy and the rich become greedier. And, good moral deci...
  • Travis And Raskolnikov
    784 words
    Crime and Punishment and Taxi Driver He is a man whose psychological workings are dark, twisted, horrifying, and lonely. He is an absurd, anti-hero who is absolutely repulsed by his surroundings, and because he is unable to remove himself from them, he feels justified in removing other people. This profile fits Travis, portrayed by Robert DeNiro in Scorsese's film 'Taxi Driver,', and Raskolnikov, the main character of Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment. Their revulsion for life leads both m...
  • Character And Thoughts Of Her Murderer Raskolnikov
    1,284 words
    Erik Klaxon web Mrs. Griffith English IV H October 5th, 1997 Throughout the novel Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky develops the character of Alyonia Ivanovna into one that guides the flow of the book. At the most obvious level she is essential to the plot. After all, if it weren't for her, who would Raskolnikov have murdered In addition, Ivanovnas character is of paramount importance when analyzing the effects her murder has on the psyche of Raskolnikov. Despite the fact that she appears only on...
  • Two Sides Of Raskolnikov
    639 words
    Intellect and Emotion In Fyodor Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment, the main character is a man with two contradicting personalities a dark grim side and a warm loving side. The terms dark and grim used loosely to describe his intellectual side. It was this side of him that allowed him to commit a great sin, a murder of an old pawnbroker. Raskolnikov wants to use intellect to act and react with. With it he is able to demonstrate logic, reasoning, planning, abstracting, analyzing and theorizing. H...
  • Raskolnikov
    556 words
    The criminal mind of Raskolnikov- His inability to conquer his conscience after the murder. human Value Is it acceptable for some human beings to suffer and die and not for others In the novel Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky offers his solution through the character of Raskolnikov. This character has a split personality in which on one hand offers a complex view of justice for some people to kill others, he being one of those that can kill. However in his actions he deeply sympathize with the s...

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