Clara essay topics

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  • Clara Barton
    1,048 words
    Clara Barton Founder of the American Red Cross By: Susan Sloat e 1. Timeline: See attached 2. The event from the timeline that I believe changed Clara Barton's life would be in 1833, when Clara's brother, David, fell of the roof while he and some friends were constructing a barn. Since he was very ill and Clara was not the type of person to sit back and watch, we volunteered to nurse him back to health. I think this event changed her life completely because it was her first actual nursing experi...
  • Esteban Lust For The Innocence And Passion
    383 words
    House of Spirits My Analysis of a Yearning Man When watching a movie one feels as if they were a fly on the wall throughout one characters life, but in the movie "House of Spirits", there is more that one wall to stay on. First there is a character, Clara, who is innocent and pure. She is a character like no other I have seen. A character who falls in love with one who is almost her complete opposite. Esteban is a man who has worked hard in order the win the hand of a beautiful woman but who is ...
  • Special Connection Between Clara And Uncle Marcos
    327 words
    In the first chapter, 'Rosa the Beautiful,' we learn of an Uncle Marcos who is related to the del Valle family. Midway through the chapter he dies. Does Uncle Marcos presence in the beginning of the chapter have any significance to the story or Clara? (Especially, since his role is very small and he eventually dies from some kind of African viruses.) Uncle Marcos had been on numerous expeditions, where he traveled to various countries and recorded his impressions and excursions of what he saw, f...
  • Toys Including Clara's Nutcracker
    1,051 words
    Ballet is an art form born out of the expressionism and creativity of the Renaissance period (Kraus 63). From the first ballet performed in 1580 to the present, women have been portrayed as fragile and dependent on men. One such ballet is The Nutcracker in which the girl-heroine Clara relies on the Nutcracker to save her from the evil Mouse King. The first production of The Nutcracker was performed for critics, public figures, and members of high society and received lack luster reviews on Decem...
  • Allende's Female Characters Clara
    1,389 words
    The Road Less Traveled Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinem are familiar names that epitomize the feminist movement. Although these women exist in flesh and bone, literary figures are also able to capture feminist ic personalities. In the novels Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel and The House of the Spirits by Isabel Allende, self-actualization is achieved through the female character's development of independence, nonconformity, and courage. Given these attributes, a number of noteworthy w...
  • Missing Prisoner A Lincoln Barton
    1,334 words
    Clara Barton was a life long humanitarian whose life effected millions of people covering the globe. Her ideas and values live on through the 1.4 million volunteers who every year give of themselves when others close to home and far away are in need. Throughout her life she used her many talents to better the lives of others in need. Clarissa Harlow e Barton was born on Christmas day in 1821. She lived her childhood years in North Oxford, Massachusetts. When she was born she had two brothers and...
  • Clara Barton
    2,522 words
    Imagine being a soldier in the Civil War. You get shot in the leg and there is no way you will be able to survive without help. There are no surgeons or nurses around to assist you and no proper materials to mend the wound yourself. Clara Barton grew up as a young schoolteacher moving from place to place. Later in life, finding out that much help was needed during times of war and disaster, she started the American Red Cross. Clara Barton was remembered and honored for her service she gave in ti...
  • Clara And Blanca Left Esteban
    1,708 words
    Matriarchs Are The Most Influential Characters In The Novels 'One Hundred Years Of Solitude' And 'Th "I had lost my wife and my daughter. My mother, my sister, dear old Nana were all dead. Even Rosa returned to haunt me like an unforgettable grief". a Both 'One hundred Years Of Solitude' and 'The House Of The Spirits' have men as their most apparent decision makers, but behind the scenes women control and influence the decisions of men to the extent that without the input of these few women, the...
  • Clara Schumann
    889 words
    Music and silence Clara by Janice Galloway 425 pp, Cape Pianos are not pleasant objects - not if you " ve ever tried playing one. Pianos are infuriating brutes, heavy as thunderclouds: torture mechanisms designed to measure your inadequacy against some unattainable idea of perfection. Clara Schumann's life was a perpetual torment of pianos. She was born into a family which dealt, taught and traded in pianos. She married a man who was one of the greatest composers for the instrument. And she hers...
  • Clara Wieck Schumann Clara Schumann
    347 words
    Clara Wieck Schumann Clara Schumann was born in Liepzig Germany on September 13, 1819 and died on May 20, 1896. Clara's parents were Friedrich Wieck, a music teacher who married one of his students, a soprano named Marianne. Clara's father made claims before she was even born that she would be a great musician and child prodigy. Her first public appearance was at age nine, and her first piano recital, age eleven. She performed and studied piano, voice, violin, instrumentation, score reading, cou...

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