Communism In Vietnam essay topics

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  • Vietnam War
    1,063 words
    The Reasons Why the Vietnam War Lasted So Long It is said that the U.S. has never gotten over the Vietnam War and it is still a controversial war, these are the reasons why the Vietnam War lasted so long. In 1973, the United States and North Vietnam signed a treaty called the Paris Peace Agreement; this was the beginning of the withdrawal of all remaining U.S. forces from Vietnam which was mandated by the treaty ('Vietnam War,' 1991). Also in the agreement was the return of U.S. prisoners of war...
  • Fall Of Vietnam To Communism
    852 words
    Vietnam: America's Involvement Vietnam is a time in American history that most of us would like to forget, but really, we must learn from it. Vietnam is a time where we didn't look at the whole picture, it was "perceived through the lens of Cold War politics". (MP: 420) With the new "domino theory", Americans feared for their safety and the safety of the "free world". If they didn't step in, they would inevitably lose the world to communism. Many Americans believed our involvement in Vietnam beg...
  • Our Involvement In Vietnam
    1,378 words
    Since during the Vietnam War there has been debate on whether the United States was right to become involved in the conflict. Some say that we were wrong to become involved in what was an internal conflict among the people of Vietnam. Others feel that we followed the natural course and that involvement was not only wrong, but also justified. Which view is right Should we have been in Vietnam or not World War II was the defining event for the United States global role. After the war we took a ver...
  • America Vietnam War
    1,176 words
    The American / Vietnamese War By Kelly Reynolds, Year 12 Despite the defeat of the French in 1954 by the Viet Minh, America was still confident that they could win the America / Vietnam war. During this time Americans believed that America was the protector of the "free" world and it was their duty to contain communism. To add to this was the Domino Theory, which was introduced by Eisenhower during his presidency. This was the unshakable belief that if one country fell to communism its surroundi...
  • Truman Doctrine And Vietnam
    1,547 words
    In 1949, Mao Zedong led the Peoples Revolution, which established a Communist State in China. Communism has now been introduced to Asia. In this period, after World War II, Communism was a popular ideology being introduced throughout the world. Vietnam was one of the many countries under the threat of Communism. At this time, Vietnam was a French Colony. As time went on tension started to come between the French and the Vietnamese people. As tension increased so did the fighting between the Fren...
  • Fowler And Pyle Struggle Over Phoung
    789 words
    The film The Quiet American takes place during the 1950's in Vietnam. The movie illustrates the atmosphere of Vietnam previous to the Vietnam War and during the French occupation of the country. The main plot of the movie revolves around three characters: Fowler played by Michael Caine, Pyle played by Brendan Fraser, and Phoung played by Do Thi Hai Yen. For the duration of the movie the three main characters are involved in a semi love triangle. This triangle and the emotions that the male chara...
  • Communist Agenda And A United Sovereign Vietnam
    2,678 words
    In the wake of the temporary partitioning of Vietnam at the Geneva Conference of 1954, the Dwight D. Eisenhower administration was determined to do what it could to ensure that South Vietnam remained out of the hands of Communists. Eisenhower suggested in a 1954 speech that if the Communists were victorious in Vietnam, the rest of Southeast Asia would "topple like a row of dominoes" to Communist ideology. The Eisenhower administration believed that if Southeast Asia turned Communist it would eff...
  • Domino Theory
    1,763 words
    The USA involved itself in the Vietnam War because they wrongly interpreted a nationalist civil war as an extension of the domino theory. The Americans had a strong belief that the war was being fought to spread communism around the world. The US gradually became more involved as the fear of communism spread, but involved themselves entirely in 1954 after the Gulf of Tonkin incident, Because of the mentality of the cold war, the fall of China to communism and the Korean War; they believed that i...
  • Common Threat
    293 words
    Afghanistan is a unique example of a middle east state ecause it has a history of fending off imperial invaders. - - seen as a bridge (taliban book) to india and the persian gulf meant that it was ofeten united by a common threat. However, unification fragments into the traditional tribal communites when such a threat is non-existent or distant Vietnam - also conquered by chinese dynasty and also has a terrain that allowed for similar guerilla tactics as the afghanis in their mountanous regions....
  • Deter Communism From Vietnam
    1,433 words
    War? What is it good for? Why did the United States go to war in Vietnam? These questions remain open. Why did the U.S. feel that they needed to get involved with a war that did not involve them directly? Didn't America's first president warn us of entangling alliances? There are many different reasons for our motivation for war. I think that the most important is anti-communism, domino theory, Eisenhower administration, and the United States arrogance of power. George Herring believes that our ...
  • America's Increasing Involvement In Vietnam
    1,044 words
    Explain the reasons why America became increasingly; y involved in the affairs of Vietnam between 1954 and 1965. In this essay I shall attempt to explain the reasons why America became increasingly involved in the affairs of Vietnam between 1954 and 1965. There are many reasons which can explain America's increasing involvement in Vietnam but I believe the main reason was America's fear of the spread of Communism. America was following a policy of global containment. This was trying to prevent t...
  • Vietnam War And The War On Terrorism
    2,762 words
    Those would do not learn history, are doomed to repeat it. This saying can apply to the current events happening in the U.S. On Sept. 11 terrorists crashed planes into the World Trade buildings and the Pentagon killing thousands of innocent people. Since that day, the President of the United States, George W. Bush, has vowed to have justice against those responsible for the attacks. The U.S. suspects that Osama bid Laden was the mastermind behind the terror. They believe that he is hiding in Afg...

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